Helping hand.

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Shirogane POV

It's been 5 years since me and my master spend time together and fall in love. However, Novel seem to be sick and she bearly move. Novel was at the table drinking tea. "Damn...!" Novel try to get her tea but her entire left arm begin to shake. "What the hell? Come on..." I saw her. "Love? Is everything okay?" Novel nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." I can tell that's a lie. "O-okay..." I turn around and clean the dishes. While I was cleaning the dishes, I heard glass shattered. I turn around and I saw my love crouching while holding her face with her head. "Novel?!" I grab her right arm and pick her up. "Are you okay?" Novel try to speak. "Y-....yeah...." I decided to take Novel to her bedroom. "No... come on my need some rest." I don't know what's going on but I don't like it. Around 6 minutes later,  I realized my master was slowly dying of old age. I can't believe it's time for her. "Novel...." I call her. "I'm sorry Shiro....I really am. I'm sorry that I have like this." I was crying. "Novel....please don't go...I was wanted to start a family with you. Please don't leave me." Novel smiled. "That's cute of you know I can't promise you that...I'm slowly dying." I hold her hand. "Then what am I supposed to do without you?  I don't want to be alone...I don't want to." Novel kiss my hand. "You're not going to be alone, there's a town that is a little far away it's called ice blocktown. There you'll be able to live there. They accept any animals especially wolf. Also...if you get there...find someone who will let you stay with them..."  That is nice and all but I don't want to go there. "I want to stay with're my love..." Novel was start to loosen her breath. "Ahhh....Shiro......d-d-don't c-change.....b-be.....y-youreself......ahh....." My master take one final breath and she passed away. "......Novel......." I was crying hard while I'm still holding my master's hand. ".......okay.....I'll do it... I'll go ice blocktown and stay there. Only for you...Novel...." The next day, I bury my master next to her house. I prayed. "Thank you Novel...for showing me how to defend myself and love." I smiled. Only take my cape and my harpoon gun. " got this Shiro..." I start to walk while take one final look at Novel house. " love." I wish Novel was still alive but...that's not gonna happen. I was traveling a lot. I went through snow a field, pass the two tall mountain of snow, I walk across the ice that completely cover the water. I look down at the water and I feel uneasy by it. I snap out of it and continue walking. I put my hoodie on because it was starting to get really cold. "So cold." I talk to myself. "Waaa...waaa..." All of a sudden I hear crying. "Hm?" I follow the cry, it came from a small ice blocks. It's a lagoons house but smaller. I look inside and I saw a small poker bear. "Hello?" I said. "?!?!"  She was frightened and back off. "Hey, it's okay...I am not here to hurt you. I'm here to help you. Why are you crying? Are you hurt?" I said. "No..." She said with a nervous look on her face. I take off my hoodie to show her my face. "Hey name Shirogane." She's a little scare that I'm wolf. "....ah!" I remember had snacks with me, I take out a dumpling. "Here...are you hungry?"  I can hear her little belly growl and quickly snatch dumpling out my head. She was starting to eat and I was a little surprised. "Heh..." I chuckled. "..."  I reach my hand to show her that I am no bad guy. The small polar bear grab my hand and I helped her get up. "Why are you doing all by yourself?" I said. "I was separated from my parents and I don't know what happen to them. I was all alone scared being chased by foxes and other polar bear. I was really scared, I don't know what to do so I build this small house for I can live in it." I was amazed that she built the small house all by herself. Even running away from male polar bears and foxes. As a good samaritan I can't just leave her here but I don't know if she's going to trust me or not. I decided to take her with me...maybe there's someone and ice blocktown that can take good care of her. " to come with me?  I'm going to this town called ice blocktown. I really like if you come with me." The polar bear feel uneasy. "You can trust me besides I'm all alone. I'm alone wolf and I have with my." My ears went down as I look down at the snow. Still feel depressed and I don't have any wolf packs with me. No one wants me, I'm worthless to them but they don't know that I'm not worthless to a child. I'm not going to leave her here. I'm going to keep her safe no matter what. "Okay...hey...I will be able to see my parents or my sister in Ice blocktown?" As a good question, maybe they will be there waiting for her or they're probably sending someone to find her. "Yeah...if we be able to go there, we might see you're  parents and you're sister." She smiled. "Great! I'm so glad." She sighed in relief. "You're name is Shirogane right?" She ask me a question. "Yes, that is me." I smiled. "My name is Kairi, nice to meet you." Kairi huh? What a lovely name. "What a cute name. Now then...shall we continue our journey?" I smiled. "Yeah.. "  we started walking as we start our Adventure. I don't know if I'm going to see those guys that...kill my little sister....I really don't know. I hope I'm not going to see them. If I see them, I am not letting them kill this small polar bear die by their hands. I want to let Kairi live. I promise to myself as long as I keep her safe from them. I will put my life on the line no matter what.

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