Chapter One: New School

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*BEEP BEEP BEEP* "There goes the annoying familiar sound of my alarm clock" I mutter to myself. "(Y/N) get up! Its a new day, therefore get up and stop lazing around" I'm too tired to reply so I just get up off my black, silky bed spread and walk to my closet to get my new uniform on 'tch I want to wear my own clothes like my older school' I say to myself and start putting on my uniform. 

After I finish cleaning up and putting on my uniform I head downstairs where my mum greets me at the breakfast table. "Could you answer me next time instead of ignoring me" my mum says in a moan-y sort of voice, "Sorry...sorry...I guess I was too excited to answer you because I was too busy being excited about my new school" I say ecstatically to show my mum a fake smile so her mum doesn't worry like the last time we moved. "I am so glad that you're excited to go to your new school though I am still worrying because what if you don't make any friends?" (Y/N)'s mum says in a worried voice "shush mum, I will make friends, you're just worrying too much..." I say reluctantly trying to hide the fact that i'm worried too, with that I finish up my toast with butter on it and wave my mum goodbye whilst saying "gotta go, see ya after school!" my mum waves in reply.

"Geez, could my uniform be anymore dorky?" I say to myself, our uniform is brown (since it's a prestigious school that has to look neat and tidy all the time) and has a white t-shirt underneath 'but whatever it can't be helped I guess...' I just plug in my black earphones to my phone and start listening to my favourite band (F/B/N).

Half way walking to school I suddenly walk into an object..."owch stupid pole!" I say as I squint my eyes in frustration and rub my forehead where the 'pole' hit. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING POLE?!" a deep voice said in anger and I look up quickly in surprise...."it wasn't a pole?!" when I look up I see a black hair, blue eyed boy with a lip piercing and pale skin...'is he one of those wannabe emo guys?'. My face changes to a curious expression as I search is face as the boy bends over in anger..."Hey...if your emo then why don't you have black face paint on" I say without thinking.....then I realise how stereotypical and rude I was being "s...sor-" I try to apoligise but he interupts me..."Shut it..." and he walks off. ' i've done it...' I just plug in my black earphones again and walk to school.

When I arrive at school it ends up being so crowded, 'it's probably crowded because of all the people just arriving, hopefully it's not like this at lunch...' I manage to squeeze myself through the huge glass double door and find my way to the head masters office. I knock on the beautifully patterned wooden door and hear the words "Come in!" so I enter and sit down on the closest chair at the principals desk. "So i'm guessing your (Y/N) (L/N), correct" the principal says breaking the silence, "yes sir that would be me" I say trying to sound polite. "Well here is your schedule and your locker number" the principal passes to me two pieces of paper with those information on them. "Thank you so much!" I smile and exit the head masters office.

As I walk to the hallway I could hear shouting, I follow the shouts to look what the commosion is about. I see the guy I saw before holding the color of a blond and blue eyed guy, the blond has short strands of hair in a black scrunchie. My eyes widen as I have no idea on what to heart starts to beat rapidly in fright "Hey what are you doing here?!" the black haired guy from before said to me....I ran quickly....

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