Chapter Twelve: Stay Away From Him

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Once I arrive at my class Justin ends up going to his class. I sit and daydream while the teacher talks about who-knows-what. 

After class, I saw a group of girls, about 4 of them looking at me and laughing. 'Hmm? Didn't Justin sew up all of the holes in my skirt? No..he did, what are they laughing at?'. The group of girls see me looking curiously at them and the red haired girl starts gritting her teeth and tells the group something, then the group of girls start walking up to us. "You must be the new girl right?" A blue haired girl says to me in a condescending tone. 'I don't think i'm very new anymore?' "Oh! She must not know the rules yet!" The blonde haired girl says with her head leaning against her hand, "She must not, then please follow us.." The purple haired girl says as the red haired girl stays silent and grits her teeth in anger, 'I don't know about this, I have a bad feeling..' I think in worry. "Come, come!" The purple haired girl says, and I end up following them out of the classroom and along the hallway.

As we all walk along the hallway, they introduce themselves, "Well how about some introductions then!" The purple haired girl says, 'she must be the leader of the group. The red haired girl starts glaring at the purple haired girl "Alice that might not be a good idea-", the purple haired girl cuts her off "My name is Alice, remember it well" she says and smiles, "That girl there is Scarlet" she points to the red haired girl then the blonde haired girl starts to speak "My name is Evie, nice to meet you!" "My name is Ivy...I guess" The blue haired girl says half smiling at me. 'I feel bad to be suspicious of them, they seem like nice people..' "My name is (y/n)-" I say but then gets cut off by Scarlet "We know" she glares at me once again, "Now, now, Scarlet, be nice!" Alice says smiling back at me. I reply with a slight smile. Then I see Justin looking at us skeptically, "Oh Jus-" "You can talk to Justin later, now you're with us" Evie says looking at me slightly, "O-oh" I say reluctantly. 

"Where are you taking me?" I said smiling to break the silence. 'This is no where i've been before. "We're going to where we usually hang out" Alice says, 'Not very much information..' I keep quiet and brush my right shoulder.

"Here we are~" Alice says perkily, "Is this the back of the school?" I say in disbelief, 'I thought the back of the school just lead to the field but actually theirs a barrier, it's quite surprising and very well hidden'. As I think, everyone starts looking at me angrily, as if they never smiled at me, "Now.." Scarlet pins me to the wall roughly, "Ouch" I say as my scratches from the alleyway were still there, it hurt really badly. Alice glares at me really evil-like, "It will hurt a lot more if you disregard our wishes", she says and smirks at me, "W-wishes what are you talking about?" I say a bit shocked that the perky girl turned into someone so mean. "I don't need to tell you the full story but stop hanging out with Justin or else.." 'Wow last night and now this? This week is just not my day is it?' "Why?" Suddenly Ivy starts talking "Whats with all the questions~ Just do what we say or else you're gonna get more hurt than you think" I try not to look scared and look at them with no sort of emotion. "He doesn't belong to you!" I say very angrily, "Oh sweetie, you know nothing..." Scarlet says and bangs my body against the wall again. "Don't get involved with Justin... or do you want to hurt more..?" Scarlet screams in my ear, Evie sweat-drops, "Don't be so loud Scarlet!" She says in a worried tone, "Tch" Scarlet replies and lets go of me "Get out of here NOW!" She says to me, and I open the door that lead into the school and run.

'Not getting involved with Justin? One of them must have a crush on him or something...I mean who would dare do this?'

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