Chapter Seven: Jealousy

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I get ready for the morning and get outside of my house, walking along the pathway till I see Jake leaning on a streetlight. 'What is he doing?' I ask myself "Hey (Y/N)! I was just waiting for you" "O-oh thanks.." I say awkwardly "Sorry...didn't you want to walk with me today?" Jake says with his head looking down towards the ground "No! It's not that...just I had no idea you were gonna wait for me and I kinda feel guilty for making you wait.." I say waving my hands about panicking. "Oh! Well don't be..were friends now right? Shall we head to school?" Jake says with a closed eyed smile and I nod my head in agreement. Don't get me wrong....I do like Jake just....he has been very attached to me recently and I have no idea why that is but I feel like if I mention it then maybe he will be hurt.

At class I sit down next to Justin, who is just staring at the projector in the front of the class. Sometimes I hate being at the back of the class because there are really tall people sitting in front of me and I can't see a thing unless they move there heads. The teacher suddenly comes into the classroom and everyone starts to quiet down, "Thank you class! We will now do the register, while I do that please look on the board and do the starter" the teacher exclaims and sits down on his comfy cushioned teacher chair.

'Jeez I can't see anything!' my face automatically turns to Justin, who is writing down the starter in his school book. "Hey Justin...what does it say on the board? I can't really need it." Justin ignores me "H-hey Justin?-" I say with a worried reply, Justin suddenly starts to rub the back of his kneck "Um I don't know, maybe you should ask two seem closer" I stare at him in disbelief 'Did he really just say that to me?' "What's gotten into you?" "What's gotten into me? More like what's gotten into you?! You are now being best friends with a person who threatened you with a knife!" Justin said angrily 'that's it!' I think to myself before replying "Well at least I'm not a fuckboy who plays around with girls all the time!" I say even angrier "Fine! I wish I could go back in time and never save you from that knife, he could slit your throat for all I care!" "Well at least you would enjoy it you sadistic emo bitch!" I say and after that everything goes silent until the end of class.

I ended up eating my lunch in the toilets since I couldn't really find anyone I wanted to sit with. There was Jake but I am too upset to talk to Jake right now. So after last lesson pack up my pencil case and planner and head out of school with my headphones plugged into my phone to listen to whatever is on it. I try to avoid Jake as I walk away from the school, 'Now that I think about it..not many people are walking down this street today?' I question myself why.

I quietly stroll down the pathway until I feel a pair of hands pull me away from the street. "Lookie here fellas, looks like we got ourselves a highschooler" I hear a raspy voice say against my ear, "Yeah, and she doesn't look half bad.." A different croaky sort of voice says, suddenly my eyes adjust to the darkness and I realise I am in the alley way I usually pass when I walk home to school. Suddenly, the thought of something happening to me hit me like a sharp toothpick being jammed into my heart. I try to get a better view of my surroundings before I fully panic. There looks to be about 3 guys here with me. Panic mode suddenly came over me 'help!' I try screaming but no one can hear me because a man is holding his hand over my mouth "mmf" I start to try and struggle between his grasp but he's too strong "There there girlie, don't worry we won't be the only one's who are going to be pleasured" the chubby man says smirking.

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