Chapter Two

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"We're kind of matching" Taylor stated as they got into the car, referring to her and Karlie's outfits.

Karlie looked down at herself, then at Taylor.

"You're right" she grinned.

"Should I go upstairs and change?" she jokingly asked.

Taylor laughed. They fastened their seatbelts in the backseat and the car started driving, Taylor's security guard sitting in the front.

"They will be able to tell us apart still" she said drily.

They were both wearing a combination of white and light gray shirts and pants as well as sunglasses.

Karlie laughed in response and reached out for Taylor's hand with her own so they could intertwine their fingers during the car ride. They spent the drive mostly in silence, looking out of the window into the busy traffic pointing things out to each other that they saw from time to time.

They left the car at a parking deck downtown, and went by foot, enjoying the warm weather.

"I'm so gonna miss this weather when I'm back in New York" Karlie said, stretching out her long arms and turning her face towards the sun.

"Why did I book that 5 am flight again?" she asked, looking at Taylor dramatically.

"Because you have classes" Taylor responded matter-of-factly.

"Right" Karlie said and rolled her eyes.

"Hey, life can't always be cats and sunshine" Taylor giggled and nudged her girlfriend's arm.

Karlie grinned in response.

"It is when I'm with you."

"Oh God, that was cheesy" Taylor said drily.

"You loved it" Karlie said and winked at Taylor, holding onto her arm.

She glanced behind them and could see Michael, the security guard, grinning at them.

They kept walking until they reached a broad street with many shops and palm trees on each side of the road. There were not many people around, given the fact that it was an early Monday afternoon. But for them, it was ideal.

They went in and out of shops, looking at this and that. Eventually they reached a small boutique that Taylor didn't know.

"I wanna look for a sweater or two to wear when I come back to New York" she stated as they walked inside.

"That's a fantastic idea, so you don't steal all of mine" Karlie replied and grinned.

"Hey!" Taylor said in mock-offense.

"That's not true. I don't steal all your clothes!" She stuck her tongue out at Karlie.

Karlie rolled her eyes.

"Hmm. Haven't seen that Genius sweater in a while" she mumbled.

"Oh yeah, that one doesn't count anymore" Taylor smirked.

The store clerk approached them, obviously having recognized them, but remained polite and professional. They were in a fairly 'normal' area, not one where you would meet a celebrity on every street corner.

Taylor ended up buying a dark blue sweater, and they kept on strolling down the street.

"Oh, can we go to Little Tokyo? It's not far from here, right?" Karlie asked after a while.

This was only her third time in the city, but she loved visiting each time and even already had some favorite spots.

"Yeah, it is. But please don't spend an hour at that electronics store again ... please" Taylor said only half-jokingly.

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