Chapter Nine

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"Do you have any food here? God I'm starving" Taylor announced as soon as they arrived at Karlie's student apartment.

"Watching other people eat is a form of torture!" she added dramatically.

"There's a box of pop tarts in the cabinet that you left here a while ago" Karlie replied, sounding exhausted.

"I don't eat that stuff so I have no idea if it's still good though."

Taylor dashed towards the small kitchen, and the next thing the Kloss sisters saw was the cabinets seemingly open on their own.

"This is so funny" Kariann giggled.

"I have to admit, I'm almost used to it by now" Karlie shrugged and sat down on the couch, pulling a blanket over her lap.

"I found them!" Taylor's voice sounded from the kitchen.

"Does anyone else want tea?" she added.

"Yeah, just make enough for the teapot" Karlie answered.

Meanwhile the twins sat down on the air mattress they had been sleeping on the previous night, facing Karlie.

They could hear the water boiling in the kitchen, and watched with great interest as tea mugs hovered in the air. Karlie however, was on her phone, replying to her messages.

"Mom texted me, asking if we're having fun. I sent her the selfie from earlier" Karlie looked up at the twins.

"She also asked how Taylor is doing. She says she's worried because she read all kinds of stuff on the internet, and I only told her what Taylor told the press – that she's sick. I don't know what to tell her, she is genuinely worried ..."

Before the twins could reply, the tea pot came hovering into the room and was placed on the couch table in front of Karlie. The taller girl looked up expectantly to where she assumed Taylor was standing.

"Aww, your mom is always so sweet" Taylor said.

"Tell her I'm better, and tell her hi from me. I'm sorry I can't make it to your house on Thanksgiving ..." she added, but then trailed off, a hint of sadness in her voice.

"It's ok" Karlie said softly, her annoyance from earlier not as apparent.

"My parents understand."

"Yeah, don't worry about it" Kimby reassured the singer as well.

"I mean, we would love to have you over, but you're busy and you barely get to see your own family. And we don't know how long this situation is going to last anyways ..." she added, making a vague hand gesture towards Taylor.

"Yeah" Taylor simply said and went back to the kitchen to bring the mugs.

Once she had sat down on the couch next to Karlie, they started talking about what had gone down earlier at the café.

"So" Karlie started, looking towards Taylor.

"Did you sneak into the kitchen and make the almond milk appear?"

"It can hardly be considered 'sneaking' when you're invisible ... but yeah" Taylor admitted.

Karlie groaned.

"I just wanted to save the poor waitress from having to go outside during this weather, and for Christen to get her coffee ..." the singer explained herself.

"And come on, it didn't go completely wrong. Even though I only managed to get a half full container of the thing I wanted, again, and I still have a headache from the effort ..." she added.

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