Chapter Twelve

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Karlie closed her laptop and put it into her bag, then grabbed her phone from the table and quietly got up. She headed downstairs towards the small student cafeteria in the library building, needing a study break.

Luckily the cafeteria was almost empty, but it didn't surprise Karlie. It was a cold, rainy Sunday afternoon.

"What can I get for you?" the barista asked in a friendly voice when she approached the counter.

"A medium black coffee, please" Karlie placed her order.

She rarely drank coffee, but she felt like she needed one in order to stay awake today.

She took the steaming mug to a seat near the window and checked her text messages. Sure enough, there were texts from Taylor and the twins, and from Cara. She was going to meet her friends Cara and Derek later that day, but they still hadn't decided on a place to meet. The twins had sent pictures from their day at the indoor rock climbing location where they were with their friends. Karlie simply replied with the thumbs up emoji, then opened Taylor's texts.

Tay Tay

I just took a ten minute nap then woke up two hours later with Dibbles sitting on my chest and Mere at the foot of the bed staring at me

1:35 PM

I hope your studies are going well :*

1:46 PM


Thanks, babe :* taking a break rn

3:22 PM


Going well! Gonna be here for a little more then meet Cara and Derek

3:23 PM

I wanna meet them too :(

3:23 PM


I know :( .... Soon!

3:23 PM

Tay Tay

And Jourdan too :(

3:24 PM


Me too ... she's been so busy since her graduation, I miss her. We'll make something work soon!

What are you up to?

3:24 PM

Tay Tay

Just tidying up a little, feeding the cats ... gonna call my mom later ... haven't had a quiet Sunday like this in ages lol

3:24 PM

Karlie thought about what to reply next while looking out the window, watching people with their umbrellas walk quickly from one building to another. She took a sip from her coffee and sighed. It was obvious that Taylor had started to enjoy her invisibility more each day and was anxious about it less each day. Nevertheless, no one knew how long it would still last. It couldn't last forever, right?


Yeah I can imagine ... when is Beverly going to visit you again?

3:26 PM

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