Chapter One

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Billie and Tré sat around the studio, bored shitless. Mike was away on vacation with his wife Brittney, so they had no bassist. Tré bounced around the room, apparently getting bored with hitting his drums randomly.

"Think of something to do. I'm bored." Tré announced, plopping down on the couch next to Billie. Billie thought for a while.

"I dunno, go out for coffee or something?" He shrugged, looking at Tré.

"Nooo. That's boring."

Billie sighed and scratched his head, as an idea suddenly popped into his head. "We could ride the motorbikes. We haven't in ages."

Tré thought for a while then shrugged. "Okay."

And that was how they ended up on a long winding road, Billie a few meters behind Tré as they went quite quickly along the road on their bikes. It didn't feel quite right without Mike there, though. Billie looked ahead and saw a sharp turn, adjusting his bike, but then he realised Tré was in another world.

Tré hadn't saw the turn.

"Tré, turn!" Billie yelled, and Tré panicked and yanked the handle, too quickly.

The bike spun and threw him off, causing him to collide with the road. He landed in a heap as the bike stuttered and stopped. Billie slowed his bike down and jumped off, running to his friends side as his heart beat against his chest.

It all happened so fast.

"Tré what hurts? What hurts?" Billie was repeating, scared to touch his friend.

Tré rolled his eyes and pulled his helmet off. "I'm fine." He tried to pull himself to sitting position but yelped in pain and dropped back down, groaning.

Billie tugged his gloves off and pocketed them, moving behind Tré to hold him still as Tré shuffled and tried to sit up. "Will you just stay still for a fucking minute?" Billie snapped, and Tré slumped down and bit his lip as a woman and a man ran over with a little girl.

"Oh my god, is he okay?" The man asked, as the woman automatically grabbed her phone and called for an ambulance. "Did he come off his bike?"

Billie nodded. "Yeah. Tré what hurts?" He asked again, and looked at Tré. And that's when he panicked. Tré was grey, and his breathing was slow and laboured.

"Ch-est. Hurts to-" Tré sucked in a breath and winced. "-Breathe."

Billie felt tears prickling his eyes as he grabbed his friends hand. "It's gonna be okay. Just squeeze my hand. You're gonna be fine." Tré nodded and obediently squeezed Billie's shaking hand.

Billie felt relief run through him as he heard the ambulance pull up, and as quickly as he had realised, a group of medics had jumped out, starting to work on Tré.

"He came of his bike. He says his chest hurts and he can't breathe that good." Billie stuttered, watching as one of the men nodded and strapped a mask onto Tré's face, and another one stuck a needle in his hand.

A stretcher was dropped next to Tré and they lifted him onto it. Billie cringed at the long groan of pain that came from Tré. They loaded him into the ambulance carefully and one of them helped Billie in.

"We'll take your bikes back." The woman from before said, holding her little girl.

"Thank you." Billie managed before they closed the doors and the ambulance started driving to the hospital.

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