Mistake number three

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''So, how do we get whipped cream?'' I asked looking over Leon, who's writing something. Maybe it's a plan for the prank, that or something useless.
''I have some with me!''
''Peter, WHY WOULD YOU carry WHIPPED CREAM with you?'' finally, Leon woke up from his amazing plan.
''Good morning, sunshine'' I joked, learning a creepy glare. Well, I deserved it.
''Y'know, just in cases like this'' I see we have a man(kid) of culture here, now I'll be praying he'll never prank me. Or touch me. Or even come near my house.
''Look at this guys, I finished the plan.'' princess Leon whispered, a smug grin on his(her) face. ''For Vlad and Lukas, we should put the cream inside their shoes, 'cause they won't search if there's anything. But for Arthur, it won't work, since he's not leaving anywhere.''
''This sounds stupid, I'm in'' I smiled. I'm not a fan of pranks since I'm too lazy to ever do anything, but this time, I finally have someone I can make a good prank with. That's also good because I'll blame it on Leon, of course.
THE FIRST PART -> A creamy situation
While Peter and Leon execute the first part of the plan, I'm guarding the zone, looking for intruders. I can hear every heartbeat and breath, the silence is almost unbearable. I love silence, but man, this is like in some James Bond movie. Changing my position, the floor squeaked and my soul almost left this world.
''Dudes, are you done? God it's just some cream not a puzzle''
''Almost! '' they replied altogether
Sighing, I glanced back. But, after a few minutes, a slight sound came from the hallway. I think they're coming. I ran to my friends, trying to tell them about it, only to see the idiots inhaling every part of the cream.
Peter almost choked and Leon tripped over the carpet. I managed to take him by the arm, then grabbing Peter's collar, and ran away to Leon's room. It was one hell of an escape.
''I think we made it without a trace'' I sighed, trying to catch my breath. I get exhaused real quick, so a simple run can kill me, that's why I skip P.E. most of the time.
''Yeah..High five!'' with a bright look on his face, Peter rose his hand, happy with the results.
''Umm..Where's the cream'' looking around, Leon asked
..We left the cream near the shoes
''You...YOU TWO! YOU'RE TOO STUPID TO LIVE! '' I bursted angry. I was enjoying it, but those two had to ruin this perfect prank.
''We are the idiots? At least we did something, you only sat down'' It seems like Leon wants to fight, if that what he wants, he gets it.
''If it wasn't for me, you would've gotten caught! But wait, you forgot the evidence at the crime scene! ''
''C'mon dudes, we would've got caught anywa-
''SHUT UP PETER! '' Leon and I yelled in unison
That's when I felt a slap. Ooh boy, that's it. I remember throwing punches at some brown-haired asian kid, while some british kid tried his best to interfere.
''What is going on here? '' another Asian dude entered the room, looking kinda angry.
''He started it'' i pointed at Leon
''Leon! And that kid! We need to talk''
''First, hello, I'm Yao, Leon's big brother. What's going on between you two? ''
''Hi. I'm Emil, his classmate and also deskmate. We, somehow, became friends. The thing is he dissagrees with every thing I say.'' A blush covered my face. It's the first time I encountered this kind of situation, I'm sort of sorry I made Yao so angry. (Looking back, I'm not sorry at all)
''He's being stupid, oh wait, he is''
Yao slapped him, somewhat calmer than before
''It's okay to have different opinions, just stop fighting. You'll get hurt not only physically, but also mentally. Friends shouldn't fight eachother. ''
''Hmph, I guess you're right..'' coming to my senses, I realized we're both stupid
''Now, I think you should let this problem go, because you have another one. Would you please tell me what's with this..cream? ''
I glared at Leon, he glared back, and my sixth sense tells me we're as good as dead.
A bit short, sorry! I had a writer's block on this one, haha. Sorry for the typos, I don't proofread because I cringe when I read it xD

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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