The rookie

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May 1955

a date i cant forget even if i wanted to,
I was 19 at that time, fresh out of boot camp and just 6 months combat experience with easy company. after that they shipped me out with a new assignment. Never would i expect that it was where the real fighting would begin. Nothing would prepare me for what was ahead..

- i just got off this big ass plane coming out of france, we were winning the war as expected. That hitler, we all thought he was mister perfect tactician but i knew he would mess up somehow and wouldn't you know! Like a curtain falling after a long ass play he did.

( laughs )

going for siberia in the dead of winter with all his got was stupid and arrogant, a move that only a desperate man would make ~ anyway so here i am! god knows where, on a mission that i aint got no clue what my objectives are, but orders are orders~!

I was to meet up with my new C.O for further mission details in a undisclosed location. All i got was a name and a free plane ride to the middle of nowhere. A commander Jones? ~ Peter Jones was his name. Not really a name that would sugguest a bad~ass so what the heck

  i was already used to going on blind suicide missions more sketchy than this so i wasnt worried.

Fast forward to the present - the plane just droped me off this cold dark landing strip with no personel the damn fly~boy didnt even bother to turn off the freakin' engines for god sake! Come to think ~ i was the only passenger on board that friggin' tin can..

i was now alone with only my sidearm ~ a single fully loaded magazine, a duffle bag and documents labeled "TOP SECERT" that i wasnt  even allowed to look at ~ pshh!

It was not long before  i started to hear an engine roaring towards my location, shortly after i was seeing headlights and thought this was my ride. After a minute or two - a black car pulled over, wasn't familliar on what model it was. It looked like a chevy but it wasn't a chevy i knew of.

The head lights were on high, i knew it because they were shining strait at my face and i was blinded by the light it took my eyes a few moments to adjust, then the driver steped out and yelled..

" are you private Lane?! "

Which i replied..

" yeah! Are you commander jones?! Peter Jones? "

He didnt utter a sound after i asked him who he was, i quickly followed up by stating that;

" i was transfered here from france, orders were to meet up with a commander jones? "

Where he simply replied..

" get in the back! do you have the documents?! "

I told him yes, but i wasnt really sure if he was the person that i was ordered to meet, but i was in the middle of nowhere and no one knew about my mission, shit! I didn't even know what my mission was.

So i hopped in the back of this black four door chevy and closed the door.

The driver then proceeded to drive away from the strip, we were on a dirt road with only the headlights to see where we were going. I still didnt have a clue to where i was or who this driver is, we drove for maybe 30 mins then stopped at this small military base. well I think its a military base? But It doesn't seem to be ~ no flag, the perimeter wasn't heavily guarded and the M.P at the entrance wasnt in regular uniform. I saw the patch on his uniform, though i didn't recognize it. i was able to read the seal " Bureau of Paranormal investigation and tracking " it read.

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