The battlefield outside the guild hall was small, true but it was all the room he needed.
It's a common characteristic for ice wizards to strip subconsciously, but Jaon always took his shirt off before a fight. Jaon always said he couldn't fight with a top on, too uncomfortable!
"Oh goodie, I don't need another Gray around here! Put your shirt on!"
"You're not my dad!" Jaon shouted.
"Ok, let's start"
"Fire Dragon..."
"Ice Dragon..."
They fought for what seemed like hours.
(I'm not gonna drag out this fight like they do in the anime lmao)
"Wow you're strong! I'll show you something you've never seen, Salamander!"
"Charge frost!"
From that point Jaon continued to pummel Natsu into the ground til he was unconscious.
"That was fun, let's do this again sometime!"
Ruby Talon
AventuraJaon Izunia. A wizard with a strange power, he's an Ice Shadow Demon Dragonslayer. He's popular among the wizarding community (not by choice) and given the name "Nihilist" meaning Nothing-ist. His sister, Lizzie Atlantic, is an Elemental Dragonslaye...