Forgotten past.

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(A/U: Some credit for this chapter goes to OutL0ud because this user gave me the idea for this chapter.)

Vixen is currently sitting Indian style on top of a boulder, waiting as she sharpened her dagger. She was thinking of every possible way her mission could go wrong, and every countermeasure to each one. Vixen stopped sharpening her dagger and brushed her hair behind her, her hair was just a little bit lower than her shoulder. She was waiting for the next guy she got to work for her, and lucky for her, she didn't have to wait long. Because she heard a voice, "Hello! Are you here Vixen?!", and with that, Vixen stood up and backflipped off the boulder.

Landing on her feet perfectly in front of the man, who jumped back a little in surprise. Before he could say anything though, Vixen said, "So, you must be my new contact?", and he nodded. She looked him over to see if he would be good enough, and surely enough, he at least looked good enough. He was quite buff, so he could pack a punch. He had good grades if her information was correct, so he was smart enough.

So he fit the part, for now. The kid said, "I assume you are Vixen then?", and she nodded. Vixen kept a close eye on him to make sure he didn't try anything he would regret, and she said, "So, your mission is to secretly protect a man named Lincoln Loud. Do you-". He cut her off by laughing a little, which confused her, so she said, "What's so funny?". The man willed himself to stop laughing and he said, "Lincoln Loud, a man? Hahahaha, you really want me to protect a wimpy kid like him? What am I supposed to do, protect him from the sun as well?". He started laughing again and Vixen's smile turned into a serious death glare as she started shaking in anger.

She knew she couldn't kill him...yet, but she could rough him up. So she took out her dagger and held it up to the mans' throat, making him immediately stop laughing. His eyes shot open in fear and he held his hands up in surrender. Then Vixen said through gritted teeth, "You will NEVER insult him again! If you so much as have another bad thought about Lincoln, I will slit your throat and watch you die slowly as I laugh. Never insult him again, or you will pay the price.". She said the last part while pressing the dagger a little closer to his throat, drawing a little blood.

The news had spread about the two kids Ryder and Jackson, and all the evidence pointed to Jackson killing Ryder and then he ended his own life. If there was one thing Vixen was good at, which is actually a lot of things, it her specialty was being sly and clever. Hints the name Vixen, because foxes are sly and clever and usually get what they want. The man said, "O-okay, I-I-I won't insult h-him again. J-just please put the dagger a-away.", and that's what she did. Then the man sat down and so did Vixen, except she was sitting a little farther away Incase he tried to attack her. After all, the only reason she hadn't been caught was because she was cautious.

After a moment of silence, the man said, "So, why do you want to protect this boy- I mean man? Why is he so special to you?". Vixen suddenly perked back up and her smile came back, which scared the man a little, but nonetheless he actually did want to hear the story, even if she did just threaten to kill him.

(A/U: You should be able to piece together who Vixen is if you know your facts about a lot of stuff, if not then you'll just have to wait I guess.)

Vixen looked directly at the man and said, "You really want to hear the story?", and the man nodded. So of course she was more than happy to tell somebody her story, even if she did have to kill him later if he failed. She clearly remembered everything from that day like it was yesterday. How could she forget? He was the man who saved her.

She started telling him the story as she played the memories through her head.


She was currently playing with a fox she had found. She had always been interested in foxes, because they for some reason liked to play with her. She turned and got tackled by three foxes who started licking her face once she was on the ground. She giggled and laughed as the foxes played with her. She would usually be out for hours at a time and just played.

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