(Lemon)Let's have some fun Ronnie Anne.

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(A/N: I am so sorry it took me this long to make another chapter of this. But to be fair I was also working on other ideas that I think you all would love, but that's my opinion.

This chapter is going to be shorter than others since this chapter is purely lemon for the three lovebirds. But after this the chapters will sometimes be random in size, like some will be longer than others and some will be shorter than others. Also, I'm trying a new style of writing for this chapter, tell me if you like it more than my old writing way. If you like this way better then I'll keep doing it like this, if not then I'll keep writing like how I have been. So without further ado, please enjoy.)

Authors POV:

Lincoln, Ronnie Anne, and Lynn were inside the Loud House and were currently in Lincoln's room. Lynn and Ronnie Anne were arguing with who should be Lincoln's first. Lincoln was just laying on his bed reading a comic book of Ace Savy.

Lynn: I called first dibs on his first time first!

Ronnie Anne: Bullshit! You can't just call dibs on something that special!

That caught Lincoln's attention, and he smirked at with while putting down his comic, then he said.

Lincoln: Something that special? You wouldn't be going all girly on us, now would you?

This made Ronnie Anne blush a lot.

Ronnie Anne: S-Shut up Lame-o!

(Yeah, when I started this I didn't know that much about Ronnie Anne, so I'll keep her in character from now on...excluding lemon scenes *smirks*).

Lynn busted out laughing and so did Lincoln, then after they calmed down Ronnie Anne spoke up.

Ronnie Anne: I should be his first since I've been in a relationship with him longer!

Lynn: All the more reason for me to be his first! You've spent way more time with him than I have!

Ronnie Anne: I've spent way more time with him?! You two grew up and live together!

Lynn: Fine then, how should we settle this?

Ronnie Anne: We could just ask him.

Lynn: Huh, good idea.

They both turned to Lincoln and before they could say anything, Lincoln interrupted them.

Lincoln: I pick Ronnie Anne.

Ronnie Anne: HAH!!!!

Lynn: WHAT?!?! WHY?!?!

Lincoln: Please don't be mad at me Lynn, but I'd much rather not loose my virginity to my own sister. That's something I'd rather not tell my friends.

Lynn: *sigh* Fine I guess that makes since.

Lincoln: Lynn, can you wait downstairs and watch your favorite sports show? So that it doesn't look as suspicious how the three of us are missing? Because I'm pretty sure Lori would pick up on what would be going on. I mean, two girls, one guy? It's pretty obvious.

Lynn: Okay you got a good point, but you better make sure to tell me when it's my turn.

Ronnie Anne: Oh you just better hope I don't drain him by the time it's your turn. Because I plan on having lots of fun.~

Lincoln blushed slightly, then he felt a side of him that he felt before...his dominant side. The side that basically left Ronnie Anne at his mercy the last time they almost had sex.

Lincoln: You can try, but I plan on making you not able to walk straight for a week.~

Ronnie Anne had a slight look of fear but hid it before anybody could see it. The reason she had a hint of fear was because she knew just how big he was, and she knew it would hurt the first time. Not to mention Lincoln has this dominant side he shows when he feels like it, the one that makes her so submissive to him, and if she had to be honest...she loved it, craved it even.

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