Your heart is mine.

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Lincoln saw his girlfriends with two other guys, kissing. Lynn with the school jock, and Ronnie Anne with the school bad boy. Lincoln watched as he felt a twisting pain in his stomach and felt his heart ache. He couldn't believe they would cheat on him.

Then they all noticed him, and Lynn and Ronnie Anne looked at him.

Lynn: Oh hey Lincoln, enjoying the show?

Ronnie Anne: These two are way better kissers than you.

Lincoln: W-w...w-why?

Lynn and Ronnie Anne walked over to him.

Lynn: Because you are small compared to these guys.

Ronnie Anne: Not to mention I was only using you, why else would I not help you when you were being attacked?

Lynn: And I only helped you because I would've gotten in big trouble if I let you die in that fight at school.

He felt like his heart was being ripped apart, by every word they spoke. Lincoln looked down, clenching his fists tightly. He was trying to hold back his anger, to hold back the dark side of him. The dark side that everybody has within them, the evil side they try to hide.

He didn't know what he was feeling more, anger or sadness. Whichever one it was, it was telling him to run, to just run. It was building with every second he stood there. But he had it in control...until they said something that snapped him.

Ronnie Anne: I was only using you because you are popular, which in return, made me popular. So now you're useless to me. There was never an 'us', and there never will be.

Ronnie Anne: What?! No, shut up me! Why am I saying this?!

Lynn: You may be strong, but you're useless to everybody. You are nothing to everybody, why else would everybody never give you love? You aren't family, you are just a burden.

Lynn: No shut up! I can't loose him again! Why can't I move myself?!

Lincoln couldn't say anything, he didn't want to. He had to leave, before he hurt somebody. He had to run, to run before he did anything he might regret. So that's what he did, turned around, and ran as fast as he could.

Lincoln ran down the hall, knocking some people down. Then he ran through the dance floor, somehow not hitting anybody. But people saw tears in his eyes, which also showed anger, and regret.

People called out Lincoln's name, but he didn't listen, he just kept running. He ran past everybody, knocking whoever was in his way down. He bursted through the door and out the warehouse and kept running. Little did he know though, that there was a certain fox watching everything from the hidden camera she had secretly placed on his shoulder, and is now running after him in the shadows.

Back to Lynn and Ronnie Anne, who had just seen Lincoln leave the lounging room. They hated themselves for what they said to him, and they wanted to fix it. They had no idea it was a drug that made them do that. How could they know? To them, they had only drank water.

As if on cue, right as Lincoln ran out the room, the drug wore off. Without even a second of hesitation, they both ran as fast as they could to catch up to Lincoln as they shouted at him.

Lynn: Lincoln I'm sorry, please I didn't mean any of that!

Ronnie Anne: Lincoln please, I didn't mean any of what I said! Stop running please!

But he didn't stop, instead he kept running. Before they knew it, he was out of their sight. He had ran so fast he nearly knocked the door of the warehouse off it's hinges when he bursted through it. Other people called his name too, Clyde, Chandler, and some other kids. None of them could catch up to Lincoln though, thanks to him working out a lot.

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