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Chat pov

I'm in Mari's room all snuggle in some soft stringy item. I can't really tell what it is but it sure is . comfy. I don't understand why not everyone does this. Earlier I saw something that look about the same color the scarf pere had gotten me. When I went to look at it, I see multi-color yarn balls and... oh. I'm covered in yarn. Marinette gonna kill me. She always tell me to don't touch her yarn basket. She would always teased me about my cat tendencies and how yarn would probably be everywhere. I wouldn't have actually thought it would happen. I tried to get up only to fall back down. I look at myself and realized I am tangles in it. Damn it! I look at the clock and see it is thirty past five. I have 30 minutes to get everything cleaned and ordered before she comes back. I start to unravel myself from the yarn until I'm free. I get up and see yarn everywhere. I can't even see the floor. This is gonna be hard. Maybe if I called Ladybug, she might be willing to help me before Marinette comes back. Better then nothing. I start to call LB since today is her patrol today. 

"What do you want, Chat?" she answered

"What? No hello." I asked teasingly.

"Hello Chat Noir, now what do you want?" she responded with an eye roll.

"I could use your help in something." 

"What?" she asked skeptical

"He he, funny story, I visit a civilian today and I went into there house. They do approved of me coming in though so no worries about that. Anyhow, thing is the civilian had lots of wonderfully color yarn. I just couldn't help myself. I soon started playing with one and that ended up with the rest of the yarn coming as well. Annnnddd..."

I'm cut off with Ladybug laughing at me. I can see the tears coming out of her eyes. I am pouting at her reaction. Can't she take pity on this kitty for once. 

"Usually I would hearing you laugh, but I kinda need to do this quick before Mar... I mean the civilian comes back in 30 minutes. So are you helping me or not?" I asked interrupting her laughing fit.

"Fine, fine, I'm coming. You do know this will be something I will tease about to you, right?" she asked with humor lacing her words.

"Yes, yes, make fun of the cat later for now." I told her as I rolled my eyes.

"You do realized I need to know where your at for me to help, right?" she told me in a matter of fact tone.

Damn it. I should have realized that. Oh well what's the harm of telling her it's Marinette.

"The bakery near the high school that normally gets attacked." 

"What!" she exclaimed

I hung up after that. I'm going to be lecture I know it. Why Plagg, why do you have to give me these cat like ways?

I see ladybug at the balcony and as soon as she enters her jaw drops. She slowly looks at me wide eyes. Then I'm being smack continuously by her. 

"Stupid, stupid, stupid cat!!" 

"It's not my fault I have the cat like tendencies!" I yelled trying to protect myself from her wrath

"Start separating the yarn I will rolled them up," she finally says after her attack on me. 

"But that's more..." I complain when I'm given a glared that says no argument unless I wanted to be a headless cat. 

I start to separate the yarn and give the separated yarn to Ladybug. She starts to roll them up. We continue this until we are done. Yes! We finished before 6. We had... 3 MINUTES LEFT!!

"Mil Lady, it's time to go. I don't want to face the wrath of Marinette when she comes here if she found out I was here." I say really quickly

She raises her brow but shrugs her shoulders. She gets out of the room slowly while I scramble out of there. 

"Bye Mil Lady! Thank you for helping me!" I yelled back as I ran away

I don't look back to see Ladybug. I should have though cause then I would have seen her go back into the room and transformed back to Marinette. Then I would see Mari, glaring at me while I ran away. 

Timeskip to next evening

"Hello, princess, how are you?" I asked her

When I look at her, I see a glared from her.

I put a confused face to why she was glaring at me. 

She turns around and hand me pictures. I take a look at them and then I turned deathly pale. It was all the yarn around her room. And me rubbing in the yarn. I gulp and look to see her face. I can see that my future isn't gonna end well. I did the only thing sensible at the time. I ran but before I could get out of the room. My tail was grabbed and I was pulled back with her leaning in my space with a glared that could rival Chloe. 

"I'm not happy with you, Chat, so one way to make me happy is to do a few things. Especially, since you decided not to tell me about it. So what you are going to do is this list I wrote up for you." she hands me a list and claps her hands as in chop chop

My tail drops and my ears fall flat. I start the list and by the time I'm finished I'm so tired and hungry. 

I see a chocolate chip cookie. I went to grab for when my hand is smacked. I yank back my hand and see Marinette looking at me. 

"Please princess, I'm hungry!" 

"Well you shouldn't have gone through my yarn basket," she turns around and starts to work again. 

I was about to sit down when suddenly I'm yank back up. 

"What now?!" I exclaimed

"Now you are going to be modeling and I'm using your measurements for designing," she stated calmly

My jaw drops as I came into a realization. Never break Mari's rule. 

Time skip into morning at school

"Hey dude, why are you so tired?" Nino asked me

"I broke a rule that was very important and the result was to work off the punishment." I explained trying to not fall asleep out of exhaustion. 

"Hey Adrien." a voice in front of me says

I looked up and see Marinette. I immediately straiten and look directly in her eyes. 

"You seem t-tired so do you w-want some bakery treats?" she asked timidly 

I looked at the treats and I shake my yes so hard I think it might fall off. She hands it toward me and I start to immediately eating it. Nino looks at me wide eyes but I just look at him like I'm hungry and tired. 

"Let me be in peace today." I say

He just nods slowly and slowly pulls out his food and gives me his and I gulped it down with the rest of the food. I didn't noticed everyone looking at like I'm a wild animal and shocked. Today is a lesson in which I repeat. Do. Not. Break. Marinette's. Rule.

One-Shot Marichat mostlyWhere stories live. Discover now