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I was in my room taking a break from the damn physics homework I had to do. I had my headphones in listening to 'the Cab'. During the song I heard a big thud. Knowing I wouldn't be able to ignore the alley cat I went up. 

"Well Chat, if your goal was to wake up my parents and neighbors you are doing," I started saying when I stopped and looked at him. He was all loopy like and very unbalanced. His posture was sagged but not enough to look like he is injured. I check for any spots of blood, but find he is perfectly fine. I look at him more calculating and I noticed his eyes are dilated. He was sniffing like crazy and was walking towards me kinda funny. "Chat, Chat Noir, are you all right?" I asked concerned for whatever this is.

He just looks up and squints his eyes at me trying to figure out who I am. He gets on all four and crawls very cat like to me. I look at him wearily and when I reach my hand out to touch him he bites me! My eyes widen and I try to pull my hand out quickly but he won't let go. I keep trying to yank away but he won't give me my hand back. It's starting to hurt after about three minutes have past.  I let out a whimper and he slowly lets my hand go. I pull my hand back immediately but he shot his hand and grab mine tightly. Not enough to hurt but enough for me not able to get away. He looks at me carefully, likes he trying to figure out if I am going to do anything. He slowly brings his lips toward my hand and his tongue licks the spot he bit at. He is soothing the bite mark he left me and all I can do is stare at him in wonder and when did he bite people. 

He soon pulls away and I freeze at the spot. I look at him cautiously  wondering what he will do next. He shoots his hands forward and latch on my waist and pulls me up completely up and onto the balcony. He cradles my body  into his chest and rubs his cheeks every where he can. He starts it against my cheeks and goes to the top of my head then. Then he tightens his grip as he snips my hair and then he does it again! He LICKS my hair and then chews on it. I am pushing and struggling to get out of the hold he has on me. He tightens his hold and brings his mouth to my forehead and starts to rub his cheek against it. I feel a rumbling and vibrating sound on my body and noticed he is purring at me. He buries his head into the neck and starts peppering it with a few kisses. I freeze when he starts doing it when I start to feel the little shocks going around and about. I feel so warm when he is doing this yet I am out in the cold. He starts to suck on my neck a little and then I realized he is going to bite me. Again. I push his head out and make him look at me straight in the eyes. He starts to whine at the lost of my neck. I raise my brows at him and look at him like he is crazy, which he is. He noticed me looking at him and smiles at me, and it looks so droopy and happy like. His purrs start to grow when my hand goes to cups his face. While I am technically checking to see what is wrong with him, I am petting him as well.

I push his hair away and lean my face a little closer cautions  of what he will do. I smell something minty like and I realized what is happening now. Uggg! Where in the world did he find catnip. I am instantly picked up and he starts to walk into my room. Since he is basically high his balance and coordination is off majorly. He trips on thin air and I am at the bottom and him on top of me. We landed on my bed though this position suggests something entirely inappropriate. He starts to cuddle against me again and not allowing me to leave the position. I just lay still hoping for this stuff to wear off soon. He soon starts to lick me at the neck while biting my neck a little. I moan a little when he does that and I turn bright red when I did it. He looks at me with a huge smile gracing his innocent face. He found my weak spot and I have a feeling he is going to use it to the best of his abilities. I move around trying to get away but I end up being squishing into his chest. He brings me back up and starts to nibble at my neck again and I stifle my moan. He groans and looks at me with a predatory look. He starts to do it more and when he licks my neck, my resolve falls. I moan loudly and thanking god for my parents on a date and not coming back till morning. He looks satisfied for me moaning while I glared at him, squirming around and I hear a purr once more. I keep squirming around more and the purrs more loudly and his arms come at my waist to stop me. I look and I see what I was doing and I turn red a bit more then thought possible. I see his eyes still dilated and I realized he has no idea what he is doing. I push away but he continues to hug me and refuses to let go. Damn it! I spoiled this mangy cat! He puts his head under my shirt and I squeak from that. Luckily, he just nuzzles my stomach and stays there till he falls asleep. I put his head away from my stomach but he just hugs me. My head buried underneath his chin and him wrapping his body around me like a blanket. I slowly fall asleep in this position since it is pretty comfy. Darkness is surrounding me until I am out conscious. 

It's starting to look like morning and I see Chat Noir still transformed. I gently shake him awake. He keeps swatting his hand at me until I push him off the bed. I glared at him while he moans out in "pain". 

"Puuurrrincess, that wasn't very nice of you." he complains to me 

"Yea, and coming here when your high isn't nice either, yet you did it!" I huffed out

He looks at me confused and narrows his eyes at my neck. My Neck! The hickeys he gave me there are in full view. 

"Did I-did I interrupt something happening last night?" he asked sheepishly 

"Yes, you interrupted my designing time." I narrowed my eyes at him

He furrows his brows at me and tilting his head me like a cat, questioning me with that look. I slowly turn red when I think of last night and I turn my head away from his eyes. He slowly comes at looks closer at my neck and I turn more red. I suddenly hear him gasp and I think he knows why I am red now. 

"Did I leave the window open and the bugs came and bit you? I am so sorry, Princess." he started to apologize when I look at him wide eyed thinking how oblivious is this cat boy. 

"You idiot, you gave me these marks last night! You couldn't stop your cuddling, nuzzling, biting, licking, and many more stuff to me. You were high on catnip and I tried to get away, but apparently you weren't having it." I explained and huff out at the end. 

He looks so innocent looking with the shock look adorning his face right now. He points his claw at himself and asks, "Me?" 

I nod my head at him and he instantly turns red and starts to chuckle nervously. My eyes unwavering on him and he soon backs away from me. Afraid what I will do to him, I assume. 

"What were you thinking of going on catnip?" I asked him calmly.

"I didn't know I was smelling the plant till it was too late. I went where my feet took me and that was your balcony. After that landing, I can't remember anything else. What exactly did I do?" he asked cautiously towards me.

"You were very touchy on my face's cheeks, hair, neck, forehead, and stomach." I explained vaguely. 

He gulped at turned more red by the second passing. 

"Well thanks for taking care of this cat, but he has to go now. Later Princess!" he exclaims while making his get away.

I rush after yelling where the whole country can hear me. 

"You better be back and I will be waiting for you when you do!" I yelled at him shaking my raised fist at him.

"Well that was interesting." Tikki comments slyly 

"Shut up," I moan out of my covered face

I hear her retreating by the laughs dwindling down by the second. All I can think about is him wanting to do more to me like last night when he isn't high on catnip. 

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