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I was motionless for so long my parents thought I was dead. I was too shaken up to do anything. I need to rewind a bit though to comprehend it. I was walking toward Alya's place to do some homework. I was half way there when I heard a screeching scream. I had to cover my ears just so I wouldn't go deaf. I was no where near a hiding place so I ran for some cover. As soon as I get three steps in, the akuma jumps in front of me. 

"I'm am Screecherist!" she screamed with a high pitched voice, "No one will mock me for my singing again."

She was about to scream right in front of me when I was picked up and carried to another building. Once I saw who it was I relaxed. Chat Noir. 

"Well Puurrincess, lucky for me to drop on by. That wailing screecher was about to screech you from your hearing." he punned

"Not now Chat, no puns, especially with the akuma already making my ears hurt. " I whined

"You can't runaway forever. You will hear my voice and experience it for the full volume of it!" she shouted as she got on the roof.

Chat started to pick me up and headed toward the next roof and the next, but the akuma would keep using her voice to find us by sound waves. Man, I hate sound akumas. While Chat carried me bridal style across the roofs, people were hiding though looking at the two of us. They looked like we were crazy but I don't blame them for it. 

"C'mon Ladybug, where are you?" Chat questioned

I felt guilty knowing I was right in front of him but couldn't help him. I noticed a pattern with the akuma though. She takes a deep breath and then screams. If Chat ties up her mouth while she breathes in, then she will be silent and then he can take the akumatized item. The only problem is that 1. we don't know what the item is, and 2. he has nothing to cover her mouth. I remember just then that I have a piece of fabric in my purse that should do the trick. 

"Chat, I have an idea on how to stop her," I told him

"Explain," he said as he jump over a gap with his batton

"I have this piece of fabric that you can cover her mouth with. I will distract her so you can cover her mouth. If she can't scream, then she can't use her power. She takes a deep breath before she screams. You use that as the time to cover her mouth because that's when she is most vunerable at." 

"I do not want to put you endanger, Princess," he said in a finalized tone. 

"Not like we have much choice. She won't stop chasing, and Ladybug hasn't shown up yet," I said with patronizing way.

"Fine. But just know I'm not happy with this." he said seceeding

"You'll live," I told him

He mumbled some incoherent words. Probably cuss words.

He dropped me on the roof while I handed him the fabric piece. He went to hide in the alley and gave me a nod.

"Hey you, I thought you were suppose to be a singer. Sounds a lot more like a whale dying." I taunted her, "Really if you wanted to sing, go do it where no one needs there hearing."

She came up so fast in front of I didn't have time to react. She pushed me off the roof lucky for me there was canape for me to land on. 

"I'll show you singing!" 

She took a deep breath and Chat came out of no where and covered her mouth. 

"That's enough from you," he whispered his voice sounded so deadly

He took off the choker on her neck and  held it tightly but not enough to break  it. I ran away and transformed and found Chat. I whistled to him and he turned around. He had this look on his face that I never saw. He broke the choker and I de-evilised it. 

"Where were you?!" he shouted

I winced and look down sheepishly.

"I was kinda busy and it was hard to transform" I explain looking confident

He was glaring down at me. It was such a strange sight to see. He was never angry. He never even showed any negative feature as long as I knew him.

"A civilian had to intervened just to help me. And not a random civilian, but a person I knew and care about." he said seething

I had wide eyes and jaw drop. Never have I seen this side of Chat. Sure a bit jealous and protective but nothing like this. He must have realized on how he was behaving. 

"Look, I get that it gets hard to find a place, but it's our job to protect the civilians, not the other way around. I think I am skipping this patrol tonight. I need a break tonight," he said at last

All I could do was nod. Before he went I grabbed his shoulder.

"Who was it that made you care so much?" I asked

He seem to hesitant for a moment. 

"Marinette," he answered finally

He then vaulted off and going to the alley to probably detransformed. I need to head back to the bakery after this. I hope Alya will forgive me for this. Once inside I detransformed and fell into the bed in a heap of lifeless limbs. 

"He never acts like that, Tikki." I told her

"He seems very protective of the people in his life, Mari. Maybe you just become one of the people he has come to protect now." Tikki said

"These are the few times I wish I knew his identity," I huffed out

"Someday Marinette, but not now. Not until Hawkmoth is stopped," Tikki said as she nuzzled her chosen

They heard a knock on the balcony door and Tikki went to hide. I went to open the door and I saw Chat standing there. Stiff and unsure. I motioned for him to come in. He just stayed still like he was debating something. He seem to come up with a solution. He tackled me onto my bed squeezing me tightly like I would disappear if he let go.

"Never risk your life like that again." he said muffle into my shoulder.

"Can't do that. Not when so many of my family and friends out there could get in trouble. Especially Alya. " I answer

He put me at arms length and look me in the eyes. 

"I will save them in the end and so will Ladybug. I can't do that though if I have to save you first. You are important to me. I cared so much that if I lost you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself." he said with no trace of humor.

I hugged him tightly and rubbed his back. I put my head in the brook of his neck. I nuzzled there letting him know that I'm with him. He relaxed and we just stayed that way for a long time. 

"I will never be more important then the other person. If you had to chose to save someone, I want you to chose the other person. I cared about you too and sometimes that means I will do rash things and who knows what I will do. I cared about people too much to lose any. If I lost you, I would be devastated. I rather be hurt and take the pain, then let someone else be hurt, including you." I said after we broke apart

His eyes hold so much emotions. Sadness, pride, happiness, care, and many more I couldn't describe. He pulled me toward his chest and cradle me there. His tail wrapped around my figure never relenting anyway. I heard some muffle sound and I felt wetness on my face. He was crying because of me. I pulled away and took his face in my hands. I wiped away all the tears at his face. I brought his head towards me and kissed the top of his head. He broke. The dam flooded and we just laid there on my bed. Him crying and me holding him, comforting him showing I am right here. He fell asleep after that. I soon fell asleep with him. When I woke up, it was his face I saw scrunched up. I rubbed the back of his head and he relaxed again. 

I hoped I never lose him. I can't lose him. I realized this now and I'm not going to do give him up without a fight. Hawkmoth will never separate us and he won't ever win. We stayed in each others arm till night time. He left with great reluctance and I watched him till I could no longer see him. I am actually grateful for this akuma for once. It helped me realized that I can't lose to him. If I lose to Hawkmoth, then I will lose everyone I hold dear in my life. That's something I am not willing to give up on. 

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