Chapter 1

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I finally had some time to rest. The past few days were packed with a lot of work and i wasn't able to take a proper  break. Today was the day when it was all about me - basically self-care day. I was planning on doing nothing and chill. I've started watching this k-drama sounds quite interesting but I can't give you my oppinion because I'm still on the second episode so far so good.

So I took a shower, grabbed some ice cream from the fridge and I flopped on my bed. Still with my dressing - gown, I turned on the TV and played the second episode. Everything was doing great until the scene at the store came up. Weird enough, all of a sudden I blacked out. Was it from the ice cream? Probably. This was what i though until I opened my eyes. I looked arround with eyes widen. I happened to be in some sort of luxurious shop, crowded with a lot of people. I slowly managed my  way thru the crowd to see what the fuzz was all about. As I was walking I felt weird glares being stabbed in my back. Why was that? I didn't know. Suddenly I was being exposed to the scandal that was going on. There was a woman, wearing a beautiful black dress and a man, tall, handsome, with a charming smile on his perfectly structured face. These people looked somewhat familliar. They appeared to be talking but it didn't seem to be a pleasent conversation. Out of nowhere the lady slapped the man harshly on  the face, leaving a slight red mark of his cheek. We all gasped.  What in the world was going on? 

- Oh honey nooo...- I silently ejaculated, while eating my box of ice cream. What a mistake. Everyone turned around staring at the ice-cream eating alien with  a dressing gown and nothing else on. Great. How could I dissapear, please? :]

- H-How did you get in here? - asked a middle aged woman, who seemed to be one of the shopping assistantces. To be honest she had a point because there were two guards at the entrance and if I came thru the door they would have probably kicked me out considering my looks at the moments. 

I remained sillent and looked around with panic raging inside of me. While panicking another "unexplainable" event occured. The woman kissed the handsome boi and then she ran away. For a moment i remained in the shadows of the stage light which was perfect. The man ran after the girl but she somehow disappeared. Gosh how do they do that.  Hearing both people's voices I tried recognising them and made a quite scary conclusion. These gals were Oh Yeon Joo and Kang Chul - the main characters of the k-drama. This means...

I was in the show....

- Excuse me, ma'am are you okay? - said Kang Chul as he was coming my way.

-Shit. Shit. Shit. - I told myself. The whole situation was getting messier. Well then let's go with the flow. - Sorry I don't feel so good. I have no idea how I ended up here and everything... - I pretended being sick so I can disapper just like Yeon Joo did. To be honest I spoiled myself with some info so still I'm ahead of the game. I actually started getting dizzy and collapsed. Surprisingly I didn't end up on the cold marble floor but in something warm and cosy, having the pleasent smell of expensive eaudecologne. I looked up locking my gaze with Chul's and his soft dark eyes lingered my blushing face. He was saying something but i couldn't hear anything. His eyes were filled with so many emotions which made it harder to understnd why he was reacting this way.  I slowly moved my gaze to my hand. It was getting all glitchy and started to fade. I screamed but instead of letting me go, Chul held me tigher in his embrace. I myself was not only a mess by visuals but also an emotional tornado. I was blushing, feeling scared, confused, surprised and this unusual emotion that seemed almost unreal. It was a slight pinch of it but it started to grow inside of me with every moment. The last thing I remember was a stretcher being placed benneath me and people with medical clothing crowded around me. I could slightly hear people talking to eachother discusing the happening. As I was being pulled in the ambulance with the corner of my eye I saw Kang Chul with a worried expression on his handsome face. To be honest he was indeed a visual king but right now more important was my health and somehow to get out of this world. I woke up in a plain white room with different kinds of medical installations and the beeping sounds were echoing around. I was dressed in a medical gown thank god but still my dark hair was one hell of a mess. In front of me was a TV. I turned it on and as i was checking the channels a certain one cought my attention. It was called "W". 

- Huh that guy seems like a big deal in here. - I thought to myself as he was giving an interview on his own channel. 

I switched to another one which happened to be another news channel. A young man with a suit was informing about the latest events when what he announced was quite shocking:

- Today two supernatural events occured both in the late times of the afternoon when a woman unexplaimably disappered and another woman came into view out of nowhere with not proper clothing and hidden identity both at the luxurious store of the nation's favorite  Kang Chul. Here is the interview with Mister Kang and the information he gave us about the  weird event.

I was looking at the screen and Chul appered and started explaining everything to the many reporters around him. As he was speaking he looked straight into the camera and winked:

- I will find you (Y/N)...


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