
17 1 7

Oml my parents are picky.

We were cleaning and I was told to clean the bathroom. My dad said to scrub everything. I was taking too long to clean it, so my brother tells me to sweep the living room and hallway.

My parents get home from work and my dad gets mad at me for not finishing the bathroom. I tell him that my brother told me he would finish it, and he says, "When I said 'Scrub everything' I meant scrub e v e r y t h i n g. You didn't clean the bathtub. I said for you to clean the bathroom because I wanted YOU to clean the bathroom, not your brother"

I swear, he is so picky! At least I TRIED to clean it well! Its not MY fault that actually doing a good job for once takes so long! Its not MY fault that my brother thought I was taking too long!

Anyways, a new one shot will be out sometime this month. I feel bad for not really publishing anything for my stories lately so I'll give y'all a sneak peek.

Macaroni Effer pov

I took a deep breath and let it out in a huff. (What did I just write?) Peggy was throwing yet another party for no reason. Aaaannnd Jemmy and I were invited, again.

I went to the bathroom before we left and tried to find Jemmy's blade. Where is it? I opened the cabinet and moved the itch cream out of the way. Aha! Not a very good place to hide it Jem. I took it and placed it as high up as possible.

I walked out to see James rummaging around the dorm, making a mess.

"Ready to go Jem?"

"Uhh...yea...I just can't find my-"

"Your inhaler? I moved it to the shelf by the door."

"Oh, thanks Tommy!" He shoved his inhaler into his jacket pocket, and we headed to the Schuyler's dorm.

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