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Before I tell you the nightmare, I think I know what caused it. Last night, before I went to bed, I watched animated scary stories for like 2 hours. Afterwards, my usual paranoia went from like 46 to 100.

Now that you know that, on to the nightmare!

My eyes open. I'm wet. Is the first thing I notice. Then I notice that I'm not in bed, I'm outside, it's raining, it's dark, and I'm only wearing a bra and underwear.

I push myself off the ground and look around for a street sign. The sign I find is Yeetersburg Drive (for privacy purposes).

I know how to get home from here, right? I think to myself. Then a yellow school bus pulls up a few streets away. Instantly I know, I can get home from my bus route.

I start running. I round a corner, and the cat I had found in an earlier dream jumps out of a tree and follows me.

I finally get to my house and notice one thing.

The windows of our van are bloody, but nothing else is.

For some insane reason, I look inside the van.

My entire family was in the van, dead.

There were these things coming out of them from all over the place!

Then, somehow, I was wearing basketball shorts. I ignore that fact and run across the street to where my cousins live.

I bang on the door and explain everything to them, still standing outside.

Suddenly, those same things started coming from me! But they weren't, they were coming from the shorts! I throw the shorts off and my aunt ushers me inside.

After that, I peeked out the front window.

Everyone in the van was alive, but they all looked like a Frankenstein. And they were all staring directly at me.

Then I woke up.

Sooo, yeah. I am now terrified out of my mind.
Good Morning/ night!

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