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First log- November 15th, 2017

     Today was my last meeting with Doctor Beck, he'd assigned me to log my thoughts and opinions about who I met or experiences I encountered during my 'settling in' period. The least I could do is comply, especially since, I admit, I didn't exactly cooperate during our 'heart to heart' therapy sessions. He had requested every other day, and explained, as they start to see improvement the interval will lengthen. As for my feelings on my move out of the care house that is to occur in two days, I think it could be a positive opportunity. Public school means more kids my age. Private foster parents means I get my own room. And, as Doctor Beck says, "It's a nice neighborhood with a great opportunity for growth." Yes, of course.

                                                                                                                 Signing off,

                                                                                                           Astraea Sincilly


                               See what I did there? With the 'signing off,' thing? Yeah, I'm funny I know.

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