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We got to the floor and I walked him over to my room.

Your pov

"So this is the information I found out" I said showing Peter my laptop. We were currently sitting on my bed talking about the weapons.

"How did you find this" Peter asked.

"Well a lot of digging through the internet" I said. He looks up and smiles.

"You're amazing" he says. I blush slightly.

"Hey, you know the blast of the weapons have this weird glow to them" I say picking up the purple glowing thing. Peter looks up from the computer.

"Well some blasts are blue" he says.

"No I mean they all this a weird glow to them like this to thing, so what if they're using this to power the weapons, therefore that would mean that this can-" before I could finish Friday spoke.

"Pepper has arrived" Friday said through the walls. I groaned.

"Crap" I say. Peter gets up.

"Should I go or..." He says. I nod. I open the doors that lead to my balcony and we go out. I can see Pepper walking to the doorway. Peter puts on his mask and makes sure his web shooters are on.

"Peter, maybe having this isn't a good idea" I say nervously. He takes the glowing thing out of my hand.

"Don't worry I'll take care of it" he says putting it in his backpack.

"Are you sure" I say. Before he could answer I hear Pepper calling my name.

"Like I said don't worry" he says. I nod my head.

"Be safe, I'll see you tomorrow at school" I say. He nods his head.  He turns around and leaves. I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in" I shout. Pepper walks in.

"Y/n what are you doing outside, it's a bit cold" she says. I shrug.

"Just enjoying the view" I say.

Peters pov

Before leaving Y/n's balcony I hesitated. I don't know why I did, but then I found it smart to leave.

When I got home, I snuck in my room through the window. Thankfully Ned wasn't there. I opened my backpack and examined the glowing thing. Y/n said it was a bad idea to have it. She was also saying something about it but couldn't finish.

"Hey Peter" May said coming in. I quickly threw the thing in the trash.

"Hey May" I said nervously. She's gives me a worried look.

"How was the party" she asks.

"It was great, uh but I'm tired and I have school tomorrow so I'm gonna go to bed" I said. May nods, takes a glance around my room and leaves. She closes the door and I wait a few seconds before retrieveing the thing from the trash. I stuff it in my backpack and head to bed.

Time skip to morning

I woke up, and all the memories from yesterday come flooding in. I quickly got up and checked my bookbag, the glow thing was still in there. I let out a sigh of relief and got ready for school.

"Hey Peter" Y/n said walking up to me in the hall. I panicked a bit, she can't know I still have the thing.

"Hey Y/n" I say. Ned soon comes over, and we all walk to first.

"Peter are you okay" y/n asks out of the blue during class. I turn to her.

"Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be" I say my voice cracking a bit. Y/n looks at me suspiciously before returning her attention back to the board. Other classes go by and then construction class is next.

I go to the table in the back and pull out the object. I grab a hammer and start hitting it.

"Hey thanks for bailing on me" Ned says walking over.

"Well something came up" I said pointing to the purple thing. Neds eyes widen.

"Woah what is that" he asks.

"I don't some guy tried to vaporize Y/n and I with it" I say trying to break it open.

"You and Y/n eh" Ned says playfully pushing me. I roll my eyes at him.

"No, I like Liz and only Liz" I say.

"I don't believe it" Ned says.

"Well Y/n said something about it being a power source" I say focusing back on the original conversation. Ned talks about the parts and one of them being a charger to a toothbrush. Ned goes rambling on until I hit the thing harder with the hammer sending the purple thing flying out of it's cage. I turn around and the teacher says something about safety.

"Y/n already has an idea of what this thing is but I gotta figure out more" I say. Ned and I agree on going to the lab after class.

It was the end of the day and Ned and I were heading to the lab.

"We need another name for this thing" I say. I heard older voices talking and saw the same men that tried to vaporize Y/n an I. I quickly hid behind a wall, Ned being a bit slow doesn't understand until I call him over.

"I think that's one of the guys that tried to kill me" I whisper.

"What" Ned says shocked.

"Hey guys" Y/n says walking over. I panick. I put a finger over my mouth and she understands what I'm saying. She quitely walks over.

"What's going on" She says concerned.

"Those are the guys that tried to kill us" I whisper. Her eyes widen.

"What are they doing here" she asks. I shrug.

"I think they're looking for the glowing thing" I say, but then I realized what I said.

"I told you to get rid of that thing" she whisper yells. I see the guys go down to the construction room.

"We have to go down there" I say. Y/n nods.

"Parker I hate when you're right" she says. We then follow the guys down.

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