The Return

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Donner was running into the village. WildSting... after the battle, she had left... .


"I Finally found you WildSting..." Donner says panting. "Heheheheh..." she laughs. They began to fight.

Back to reality

Donner hadn't noticed, but his entire house was destroyed. There was a note, when Donner read the note, he cried. There was an attack in the Village. His entire family, slaughtered. Donner looked behind him, his friends looking at him. They nodded telling him, it was true. Donner was punched, by... Sentos, his mentor. "Too slow kid... oh... I'm sorry..." Sentos says looking at the house and at the note. Metal Lee came up and put his shoulder around Donner. "It will be fine..." Metal Says sadly. Then it happened, Donner heard the name, the Vito Clan. The Vito clan had taken WildSting. Their leader Ronia, places a Cursemark on WildSting. Feline walked up. "Well, we have a new teammate now," she says as a boy walks up. He had a paint brush and Super Beast scrolls. "Hi, I'm JayJay!" The boy exclaims shaking his hand. "I'm Donner..." Donner says shaking his hand sadly. "Summoning Justu!" Donner says summoning a Wolf. Donner jumps on and rides off to the forest of death. This was where the CurseMark was placed. It was also where the second phase of the Chuninn exams were. Donner knew his friends and the new teammate followed him. "We want to help!" Sarada exclaims. "I do too!" Rosy says hugging Donner suddenly. "Alright, But be careful, multiple people have died here, so we're sticking together!" Donner exclaims. "But we were in here before!" Metal says. " I know, but still... just follow me..." Donner tells them all.

Well, there you have it, the Second Arc of the story! JayJaysworld has bin introduced! I guess it's time for some adventure, but just saying, this Arc is shorter, because it's only them searching for clues or anything they can find in "The Forest of Death"! So don't expect much! There will probably only be four chapters.

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