5 - Bliss.

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Things have been so much more different between Yella and I.He is a glowing ray of sunshine and so was I.

Today, I was going out with Ren and D.O.C. to catch up on things.

"So guys, guess what."I said as we ate at Cheeseburger in Paradise.
"What?"Ren said with his mouthful of food.
"Me and Yella kissed!"I said, excitedly.They both dropped their jaws, letting the food escape their mouths.
"When was this?!"D.O.C. said, happily.
"Like 2 weeks ago?"I said, laughing, joyfully.
"Awe, what did I tell you."D. said.
"The two love birds finally persued their love for each other."Ren said, teasing me.
"Shut up, Lorenzo."I said laughing.Ren threw a fry at me and I threw it right back.We continued to play for 15 more minutes and then left.

We raced to the studio and I won once again, per usual.I waited for my boys and then they finally arrived.

"Slow asses."I yelled while pointing at them.
"We will fight."Ren said, sizing me up right along with D.O.C.
"Would y'all quit?Oh yeah, don't tell the guys about the kiss.I wanna keep it a secret."They both nodded and we walked into the studio and greeted everyone.
"Hey, baby."I whispered into Yella's ear, seductively.
"Not here, girl."He said, readjusting himself.I laughed and sat in the chair beside him.

"So, what y'all working on?"
"Fuck Tha Police."Yella said, happily.
"What kind of controversial - "I was cut off by Cube giving the backstory.
"These bitch ass policemen just made us get down on the ground for no reason today.I'm tired of this fucking police brutality so FUCK the police."Cube said, putting his middle fingers up.I felt really bad for them.This police brutality was getting out of hand, for real.
"And done.Y'all can have a listen, now."Yella said as he played back the song.

The lyrics were so - colorful.

"You guys aren't worried that y'all would get in trouble for this?"I said over the music.Cube stopped the track, looked at me and then at the boys.Suddenly, they all erupted in laughter.I was a bit confused, but just shrugged it off.

"I'm leaving, y'all.I have to take Marley out.See y'all later."Yella said as he grabbed my hand, walking out with me.

"Yella, where are we going?"
"I'm taking my favorite girl out to eat.Is there something wrong with that?"Yella said, batting his eyes, playfully.
"No, not at all.Lead the way and I'll follow you."I said while laughing.

We both got into our cars and drove off.I followed Yella into the beautiful city of L.A. The lights illuminated the area with various colors.

We pulled into a parking lot of a place named 71Above.It was a very tall building that resembled a hotel.We had our cars valeted and we got out of them.

"Yella, what are we doing here?"
"This is where we're eating, baby, you're gonna love it."I blushed when he called me 'baby'.

He took my hand and lead me inside.It was absolutely beautiful, such a sight for sore eyes.We walked to an elevator and went to the very top floor.

"Hello, sir, ma'am.Welcome to 71Above.Do you guys have reservations?"The lady greeted us as we made our way off of the elevator.
"Yes, my name is Antoine Carraby.I made a reservation for two today."
"Oh, yes, come right along, sir."She guided us through the restaurant to our table right next a window.Yella pulled out my seat for me to sit down and then went to his.L.A. looked absolutely beautiful at nighttime.
"What drinks can I start you two out with?"
"A Strawberry Daiquiri."We answered, simultaneously.
"Okay, I'll get those right away for you guys."the lady laughed as she wrote down our drink orders.

"Yella, this place is gorgeous.I mean, just look at this view."
"You deserve it, love.Hold on, I got you something else."He pulled out a box with a necklace with his initials on it.
"Yella, "I gushed, "thank you, baby."I put the necklace on and looked down at it.I loved it so much.
"I love it."I said half way in tears.Yella leaned over the table and kissed me.
"Don't cry, baby.You're welcome for the necklace."All I could do was smile at him.

"Here are your daiquiris, did you guys decide what you were eating yet?"
"Um, yes, I'll have the lobster tail along with a salad on the side."I ordered, touching up my makeup.
"I'll have shrimp alfredo along with a small side of fries."Yella ordered while closing the menu.
"Okay, your orders will be right out.Thank you for dining at 71Above."The lady walked back to the kitchen and we continued to talk.

"Yella, I don't know how I'm ever going to repay you, thank you so much for all of this."I said, holding his hands across the table.
"Anything for you, beautiful."
"Ooh, when did you become all romantic?"
"Since I met you."I blushed a little after he said that.
"Oh, whatever, I bet you bring all your little girlfriends here."
"Only the special ones."He said with a smirk.
"Oh.That's good to know."I said letting his hands go and sitting back in my chair.
"I'm just kidding, baby, there you go, getting all sensitive on me."
"Look, you don't have to impress me, we could have just went to Fat Burger and called it a day."
"That's what I love about you."Yella said looking at me, dreamily.

"Here are your orders."Our food arrived and I dug right in.I took my fork and took some of Yella's food.
"I bought you your own plate for a reason girl."Yella said with his mouthful.I laughed and continued to eat.Everything was absolutely delicious.

After we ate, we made our way to the valet area, hand in hand, and got our keys.I let Yella come over for the very first time and he was in awe.

"Baby, this is beautiful."
"Why, thank you, I try."I said looking down, blushing.
"You don't have to try, you're already perfect."Yella said while holding my waist, looking down at me.He looked so good at that moment.I kissed him and he kissed me right back, deeply.I pulled away and smiled up at him.
"It's getting late, you wanna stay here?"I asked while looking deep into his eyes.
"Of course, baby."

I lead him to my room and he undressed into his undergarments and climbed into my bed.I went into my closet and changed into my pajamas, put my glasses on and walked back out shyly.

"I look ugly now, don't mind me."I said while putting my last few things away.
"Get your fine ass over here, you still look beautiful.I love you in any way, shape or form."Yella said while pulling me into his chest.
"So...you love me overall?"I asked Yella, looking up at him.
"Forever and always, my love."I smiled and drifted off to sleep in his arms.Today was absolutely perfect.

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