Chapter 2: Liftoff

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     "These are your gravity regulators. They should balance out the effects of gravity in case it's too high on other planets." S̷̡̛̹̺̖̺̈́̌̄͂̄̔͗t̴̡̻̩̤͇͈͓̳̟͎̓a̷̡̛̬͇̹̣̝̮͎̣̭͚̾̿̈́̚r̸̨̲͓̮̠͎̓̔͊̈́̄͑̓̄͗̕͝ said, showing me some equipment. We were standing just outside the ship bay. There was one small ship there right now, the one I was to be sent off in. It was a round, retro style ship painted with a light blue color. There was a small circular window that would give me a little view from the inside of the ship.

The gravity regulator was a pair of black bracelets that would look like fashion accessories if you didn't know what they were. I put on the bracelets and watched as S̷̡̛̹̺̖̺̈́̌̄͂̄̔͗t̴̡̻̩̤͇͈͓̳̟͎̓a̷̡̛̬͇̹̣̝̮͎̣̭͚̾̿̈́̚r̸̨̲͓̮̠͎̓̔͊̈́̄͑̓̄͗̕͝ clipped a necklace around my neck. It had a little green charm that looked like a face. It had big, pointy black eyes.

"This is your disguiser. Do not lose this. In fact, don't take it off. There's a button on the back that will activate and deactivate your disguise." she said. She motioned me into the ship bay and pressed a button on the outside of the rocket. The door opened with a hiss.

"Thanks for all your help, boss." I said, smiling at her.

"Don't mention it. Everything you need for the trip is inside. The autopilot is set to head straight for the planet. I even left you a little tentacle tree sapling to remind you of home. Now go, my little Intern!" she replied, shoving me inside the ship.

S̷̡̛̹̺̖̺̈́̌̄͂̄̔͗t̴̡̻̩̤͇͈͓̳̟͎̓a̷̡̛̬͇̹̣̝̮͎̣̭͚̾̿̈́̚r̸̨̲͓̮̠͎̓̔͊̈́̄͑̓̄͗̕͝ closed the door behind me and I climbed up a ladder into a small cockpit. It was the only room in the ship, complete with a little cot, a mini-fridge, and even a toilet. The tentacle tree sapling was in a little pot right beside the cot. There was a control panel right in front of the window, and I looked out just in time to see S̷̡̛̹̺̖̺̈́̌̄͂̄̔͗t̴̡̻̩̤͇͈͓̳̟͎̓a̷̡̛̬͇̹̣̝̮͎̣̭͚̾̿̈́̚r̸̨̲͓̮̠͎̓̔͊̈́̄͑̓̄͗̕͝ rushing out of the ship bay. From there I figured she'd head for the observation room to oversee my takeoff.

I looked at the control panel nervously. I'd been through all the training necessary to work with one but the real thing was infinitely more scary. I took a deep breath and pressed the autopilot button. Not only could the autopilot completely control the ship, but it also had a built in voice and conversation feature for lonely explorers.

"Good morning, Intern." the robotic female voice greeted.

I sighed and shook my head. Did anyone know my name?

"Liftoff is scheduled for one minute, starting now." it said. "Do you have any concerns before we depart?"

"Yeah, is there anything you can do for motion sickness?" I asked.

"This particular ship model has a cabin stabilizer that should reduce the amount of movement. Your gravity regulators should also help greatly with the motion. Should all else fail, there is a toilet on board."

I laughed nervously.

"Any other concerns? Liftoff in thirty seconds."

"Can I call you Otto?" I asked.

"Voice activation code set to Otto."

I took a deep breath and sat down on the cot. The engines began to whir and the floor below my feet vibrated gently.

Before long, Otto began to count down.

"Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One."

I shakily stood up and hobbled to the window, beginning to feel dizzy. I could see Sixam below me, getting smaller and smaller by the second. My ears were popping from the low air pressure and I felt more and more sick the longer I looked out the window. I rushed to lay down on the cot before I could lose my breakfast.

"Now exiting Sixam atmosphere." Otto announced.

"Otto, where exactly are we going? S̷̡̛̹̺̖̺̈́̌̄͂̄̔͗t̴̡̻̩̤͇͈͓̳̟͎̓a̷̡̛̬͇̹̣̝̮͎̣̭͚̾̿̈́̚r̸̨̲͓̮̠͎̓̔͊̈́̄͑̓̄͗̕͝ didn't exactly tell me very much."

"We are going to a planet known locally as Earth. I am programmed to land right outside a city named New York. The common language in this area is called English. I have constructed a few lessons on this language for you. May I suggest getting started on them as soon as you get settled?"

"Yeah, I'll do that." I sighed.

There was a full length mirror hung on the wall beside my cot and I stood up to look at myself.

Even after all the grooming I'd done this morning I still looked tired and sickly. My light blue skin was a bit paler than usual and the blue swirls in my otherwise black eyes seemed dull. My short hair, which was a few shades darker than my skin, was still neatly combed over to one side so you could see the shaved portion.

I cautiously pressed the button on the back of the necklace and watched myself transform. My skin was a strange, pale pink color that I couldn't quite put my finger on. My eyes had changed from black to white, except for the pupil and a little blue ring around it. My hair was a dark brown color and I wore a strange, white jacket and a plain black shirt underneath it. My black pants rode up to my stomach. They had little white stripes along each side and were super comfortable. They also complimented my waist quite well.

It was almost strange how similar Sixamians and Earthlings were in build.

I sat back down on my cot and looked down at my pale pink hands.

I was totally not ready for this.

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