Hold your breath, Close your eyes

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‘Dreams are more real than reality itself, they're closer to the self’


~ hold your breath, close your eyes ~

All I could hear was my short breaths as I try and stay as quite as possible. They won’t find me here and if they do, im doomed. A piecing scream ripples through the air and then followed by a deathly silence. My heart is pounding as a shuffle around to move out of my awkward position; quite footsteps are coming towards me. I freeze, praying that I won’t be found. I squeeze my eyes together and cross my fingers, then a loud bang came from down stairs and the person ran in their direction.  Twenty minutes passed and I had a feeling that I was the only one left, I have to stay strong and think positive thoughts.

“WE ARE COMING FOR YOU MY SWEETNESS” yelled a voice which was close by.

I took a deep breath in and held my breath, I was in the only room they haven’t checked and if I stay silent enough they might not find me. I see a shadow through the crack in the door and then the door is swung open, five figures now stood at the entrance of the room. They all walked into the room not caring to be quite so I used this to my advantage, I slowly shuffled back so my head wasn’t so exposed. I was again awkwardly wedged in-between a wall and a couch.  All five of them were searching around the room and they finally sighed and move back towards the door. Relief washed through me and I smile to myself.

“Wait we didn’t check behind the couch” one said

Damn it, im done for now.

“But there is hardly any room there, I couldn’t fit” another said

“That’s because your fat and she is a skinny Minnie”

“Whatever, you’re just jealous of my hard core abs”

“Just go and check”  

As the footsteps get closer, my heart beats fast. I see a head above me with a huge grin. He started to do a little happy dance on the spot and then stopped.

“AH HA, I found you” screamed a very excited Louis.

I give him a death stare and try to stand up... i try to...stand up, but im wedged so tightly I can’t. I start to panic and I feel closed in and my hands start to sweat.

“Ummmmm guys a little help here” I say a little shaky

“Why should we help you, do you know how long it took to find you” stated a very annoyed Zayn who obviously didn’t hear the slight panic in my voice.

“Zayn that’s the whole point of hide and seek” I say with a ‘duh’ tone. I couldn’t see anything except the back of the couch and Louis wasn’t looking down at me anymore. What if I can’t get out? Beads of sweat roll down my back as my claustrophobia starts to set in.

“But it’s not fair” Zayn stated

“Yeah you know this place really well” Louis whined


“You got yourself in so you can get yourself out”

“I mean this is a huge house”


They all started to mumble to them self’s and state there point mean while im freaking out and hyperventilating. I can’t take it anymore, I need to get out and fast my chest is rising up and down as I take in huge unsteady breaths.

“We looked eve-“

“GET ME OUT OF HERE” I scream not being able to listen to them anymore.

I see Harry’s head poke from above, his eyes widen and he starts to panic, I must look as bad as I feel. I feel the couch move away from the wall, inch by inch until Harry grabs my arms and pulls me out. Cool air hits my face as Im welcomed to the open room, im still hyperventilating and my skin has a thin layer of water. Im picked up and placed on Harry’s lap and he rocks me back and forth while rubbing my hair soothingly.

“Jesus Louis couldn’t you see that she was stuck”

“Oh im sorry Sky” Lou says

“It’s ok Lou, none of you knew that Im claustrophobic” I say quietly

After a few minutes im finally calm and breathing properly, I angle my body around and give Harry a light hug and place my head in the crook of his neck, don’t even ask me where this new confidence came from.

“Come on guys lets go down stairs”

They all follow me back down the staircase and tell them to sit and wait at the dining room table. I feel sort of bad for scaring them twice now. Time to make them my awesome hot chocolates with extra love!

“What are you doing in there” Niall yells, sound excited because im obviously doing something with food.

“Niall who cares, I love my woman in the kitchen” Louis says

“Lou since you said that you can come and help me wash up” I yell at him and chuckle after

I hear him mumble and complain, as I walk in with a tray full of huge mugs of hot chocolate. I place them in front of each of the boys and I sit down in the empty seat. I look around and they are sculling there hot chocolates, and I could hear them swallowing it. (A/N – kinky)

 “Thisissogood” Louis says

“Why thank you Lou”

“How did you make it” Liam asked

“With melted chocolate, not the powder stuff”

They all finished and rubbed their stomachs, Zayn looked at me curiously then asked,

“Why didn’t you have one?”

“I’m not hungry” I lie; I don’t have one because I know I will regret it when I gain weight.

Louis and I are cleaning the dishes and kitchen while Harry tapes, apparently Louis never cleans up so it’s a ‘once in a life time thing’ according to Harry. Im drying also putting away and Louis is washing, I turn around to put away the cups and when I turn back around Lou’s front is covered in water and he has a bit of a bubble beard.

“AHHH im sooo wet!” he exclaimed

Harry and I look at each other and back and Louis and start killing ourselves laugh. He just gives us a weird look then realising what he said and then he is laughing too. By the end of it we are all rolling on the floor holding our stomachs.

“Louis go up stairs, get changed and go to bed” I instruct him

“Ok mum”

I hear him go up the stair and hear him say “Hey its Santa” I shake my head, that boy has a serious problem. Harry takes his place and we get it done much quicker, he passes me the last plate but his hand brushes mine, tingles went up my spine and I shiver. There is something about this boy that makes my dark world bright. Once we were finished I let out a huge yawn which caused harry to laugh at me.

“Tired are we”

“Yes I am actually”

We turn of the lights and walk up the stairs slowly, we get to Harry’s door and I mumble goodnight and keep walking but he had other ideas. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a bear hug; I melted in his arms and smiled into his chest. We stayed like that for a while until I pulled away.


“Goodnight my love” and with that he kissed my temple and went inside his room.

That night I dreamt of a certain curly haired boy.


thankyou all for reading – comment and vote <3

Please take a look at my new story called ‘Send out a Wish’

Parris ~ ex oh ex oh

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