II. Looking Back on Better Days

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Mr. Robertson's POV

" Good to meet a girl with goals in life", I smiled remembering my daughter Eden. She too had big dreams of her own I can see more of her through this girl Ellie. In fact whenever I come here I always hope she will be there to take my orders. I could feel a connection with this Ellie, It's like a younger version of my sweet daughter Eden, this girl Allison is always so chirpy, so happy  like meeting a ray of sunshine straight fresh from the heavens and goodness I don't like bright things. 

Speaking of the big yellow ball of sunshine and rainbows..

" Helloooo Sir. Rob here is your order the  chef took his time to cook it for you but don't worry I'm sure it's rather .. erm.. tasty" she made a grim face but quickly covered it up when I gave her  side eye look. 

" Ellie took my order, and I expect that she will be the one to serve it to me. Where is she?" I raised my voice higher so that I can hear what I said. Age is slowly taking a toll on me I cant hear a thing from arms length let alone my own voice.

"Oh, yeah about that she ask me to give you this letter she was in a rush. It is the end of her shift anyways", she said while putting my dessert on the table.

I took the letter from her hand and read it. It in a very scrawny handwriting anyone could have mistaken it to be written by a boy, hmm  nevertheless..

Dear Mr. Robertson,

I want to apologize if I wont be able to serve your order tonight, Its the end of my shift and I have to rush to get to my other part time job. Although, my very good friend Allison will be there to serve your orders I hope you will enjoy your dinner we always appreciate you coming in everyday.

See you!


Im astonished I haven't been on  my best behavior today but still she managed to tell me her reasons and not be rude about it. I saw a light flash on the window and turn to look outside, there I saw Ellie on the bus looking outside the window. I waved my hand and smiled to gesture that I have read her letter. I carefully folded the letter and rolled it to fit into my cigar case I don't want to risk  losing it on my pocket. I looked over my food and not a single one missing the eggplant is still hot along with my special coffee the dessert looks extra fine today. As I was about to dig in I noticed that the girl Allison was still beside me so I gave her a confused look, she doesn't seem to be getting the hint so asked her " Girl, I have something to ask you If butterflies fall in love do they feel people in there stomach?" 

"What? o-oh uhmm.. ", she's clearly confused by now. Good!

"Well what is it dear?" I asked again

"Well if you put it that way I'm not sure if they can coz technically speaking this expression that I can feel butterflies in my stomach is used as an idiomatic expression for us humans I don't think the butterflies can come up with an expression of their own", she blurted out. Although I think It do make some sense my goal is to get rid of her while I enjoy my dinner.

"Oh, what is that dear? I'm sorry I didn't hear you through all the fuck I was busy not giving", I acted like I was distracted by the food in front of  me. She looked hurt and taken aback by what I said so I added," Now go along now, this dinner looks scrumptious say thank you to Ellie for me", I waved her off and she scurried along in the kitchen looking absolutely mad and frustrated.

"Oh well, there are more better days", I took a bite on my meal remembering that I have to visit my daughter Eden at the Hospital. I look at the rolled letter on  my cigar box  at my right and wondered If I could bring Eden here sometime and meet Ellie. After all, she could really use some sweet and caring person right now. 

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