The Crow

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        The wind whipped against my black wings as I glided through the open air. It was early morning in the Moors, and the air was crisp with a slight sprinkle of due. I flew through moist clouds and around jagged cliffs. Keeping aware of my surroundings at all times, I was searching for my mistress, Maleficent. A horrid scream broke me out of my relaxed state of mind. I flew towards the sound to get a better look.

        What possibly could be making such a hellish sound this early in the morning? I mused to myself.

        I landed in a small clearing in the middle of one of many forests located in the Moors. I wandered around, still in the form of a crow, until the ear splitting scream echoed in my ears once again. I glided close to the ground in the direction I heard the sound.

        A girl, about sixteen years old, stood, trapped against a steep cliff with two tree guards in front of her. I watched, perched, from a nearby tree.

        "What are you doing in the Moors, mortal child?" One pryed.

        "Who sent you?" The other questioned.

        "Please, don't hurt me. I'll give you anything you want." the girl spoke. Even when she was terrified she kept this sort of grace.

        "We don't want anything you have to offer." One snapped.

        "We just want to know who the hell sent you, and why." They were both starting to get frustrated.

        "No- nobody sent me. I'm just lost..." She stammered.

        Right about then, I decided to be a good person and rescue this poor defenseless girl. I hopped down from my perch and merged from my crow form to my human state.

        "What's all the fuss about? Come on now, you disturbed my morning flight." I said trying to sound annoyed.

        "Diaval." They both in unison and bowed.

        "Oh no no.." I said flustered.

        "Has Maleficent sent you?" One spoke nervously."

        "Uh, actually- yes, yes she has." I lied. A nervous look was plastered to both of their faces. "She has sent me to tell you to leave this poor girl alone." I said sternly.

        "Oh yes, yes of course." One spoke.

        "We were actually just leaving.." The other claimed. They both scrambled away and out of sight. Once they were out of earshot the girl spoke.

        "Thank you, for.. uh.. saving me.."

        "It was my pleasure." I bowed politely and started to walk away.

        "Wait, wait!" she called after me.

        "Yes?"  I said without turning around.

        "Diaval, is that your name?" she asked.

        "Why, yes it is. Can I have the honor of knowing yours?"

        "Aurora. Princess Aurora." She blushed a little.

        "Princess Aurora, it is my pleasure of making the acquaintance of royalty." I bowed once again and kissed the top of her hand. She giggled and blushed some more. I had to admit, she was beautiful. She possesed the kind of beauty that no other creature I've ever seen had. "Now, are you truly lost, young one?"

        She smiled and shook her head. "No, I came into the Moors looking for something."

        "If you don't mind me asking, what were you looking for?"

        "A crow."




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