Lone wolf yet again

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Sixs pov
You know there was once a saying that spartans dont die they are just missing in action....I looked up at the sky surrounded by other spartans bodies I looked down at the dog tags of noble team and gripped them tightly 'give me strength noble team'

Jane coopers Pov
I was moving from the crash site with BT and glanced at him "hey BT have you ever wondered why we are here?" BT turn towards to me and turned back forward "no pilot I have not what raises this question?" I jumped up on his shoulder and sighed looking up at the sky "no reason BT no reason" I listened to BT walking it was soothing of some sorts there once was a saying way back then that went 'war, war never changes' that feels true to this day us and the frontier and them the IMC always at a constant battle for resources we wanted peace they wanted control....I guess war never changes....

Sixs pov
I dodged a swing from a zealots energy sword as I grabbed his mantel and stabbed him in the head with emiles knife 'die you bastard' I took the knife out and holstered it before I could breathe I was shot by a needler I pulled up my dmr and fired at the grunts. They broke through my shields I ran into a building and picked up a sniper from one of the fallen spartans "forgive me brother" I pulled back the slide and fired at the covenant I looked at my motion tracker 'they never end do they...' I reloaded I looked at my.radar and saw a red ping behind me I turned around and was slashed acrossed the chest by an energy sword I winced in pain and tackled him "fuck you!" I proceeded to punch the zealot to death I panted as I grabbed his energy sword I looked at it and grabbed the other one from the other zealot. I dualwielded them and looked at the army before me. 'Its now or never I will never surrender...I came this far Im not going to stop....' I turned on my helm cam as I rushed into the army of covenant I was hit by many bullets but I continued to stab them all 'for emile' a flash back appeared of him sharpening his knife with a smile my energy sword ran out I tossed it aside and grabbed emiles knife and continued fighting I stabbed a grunt in the face and grabbed his needle rifle on handed 'for kat' I fired it and hit two zealots in the head a knife got stuck in a covenants throat I grabbed his sticky gernade and tossed it in the crowd as they blew up 'for george and carter' I was stabbed through the back by an energy sword I gasped for air I grabbed my knife stabbed the zealot in the face "Are you ready cause im ready!" I lifted my knife up and charged into the battle field.

Janes pov
I was looking around "hey BT why is.it so quiet?" BT scanned the area and comms "pilot it seems the IMC forces have found a anomaly in space they are directing all forces back to base just in case" I looked up at the sky seeing bright flashes "BT what do you think about it?" BT stopped moving and moved his eye up to the sky "pilot to be honest I dont know this is new they wouldnt put all of their forces back unless it was dangerous" I looked at BT and nodded "what ever it is I hope we never have to face it."

Sixs pov:
I was standing their panting covered in the blood of the covenant as I fell down onto one knee 'lucky bastard nailed me bad' I felt my stomache and their was a lot of blood I winced and started walking back to a pellican I took to get here and sat in the cock pit I started up the engines and started my course back to base. I grabbed some biofoam the hell divers used for quick medical attention and sprayed it on my wound I winced in pain and gripped the throttle as I tossed the can away 'fucking god that hurt' I broke through the atmosphere and felt gravity change I clciked a few buttons and sent out a comms link "Amyone on this frequency this is noble six of noble squad I have fended off the covenant as far as I know they are off reach does anyone copy over?" I heard static I continued the flight til I got some turbulence drawing me back I pussed forward the throttle to increase speed but it was futile as I was sucked through. I felt myself enter and exit through I blinked and saw a planet infront of me I pulled up on the throttle and tried pulling up I turned to the emergancy comms "MAYDAY MAYDAY THIS IS NOBLE SIX FROM NOBLE TEAM I HAVE WENT THROUGH SOME TYPE OF WORM HOLE I HAVE LOST CONTROL OF MY PELICAN AND ARE BREAKING THROUGH ATMOSPHERE AT A ALARMING RATE I REPEAT WE ARE BREAKING THROUGH THE ATMOSPHERE PLEASE RESPOND" I waited for a second no response I pulled up and broke through but was still falling I looked at the trees getting closer and pulled up harder as it lifted the wings slightly we spiralled into the ground as I jerked forward and slammed my head into the console.

Janes pov:
I looked up.at the sky as I saw something fall BT looked at me "pilot you might want to hear this" he started playing a distress signal "MAYDAY MAYDAY THIS IS NOBLE SIX FROM NOBLE TEAM I HAVE WENT THROUGH SOME TYPE OF WORM HOLE I HAVE LOST CONTROL OF MY PELICAN AND ARE BREAKING THROUGH THE ATMOSPHERE AT AN ALARMING RATE I REPEAT MAYDAY MAYDA-" I watched as the plane hit the ground I jumped off of NT and ran towards the wreckage "come on BT we need to check if hes okay!" BT followed jane to the wreck scanning the area.

And done holy crap its 3:00 im fucking tired because of a long day im writing this on my friends pc because I left my phone behind but thanks for reading I need some sleep night!

The lonewolf in a titans war: Noble six x titan fall female Cooper Where stories live. Discover now