Today we were heading to magcon all the boys were sleeping me and mahogany woke up early to do our hair and makeup.
"Should we wake them up?" I said putting down my hairbrush.
She nodded and we went upstairs.
The first room I went to was Aaron's
He was snoring lol.
"WAKE UP AARON WE HAVE TO LEAVE TO DALLAS ". I threw a pillow at him
He groaned and woke up.
"Really amber! we don't leave in - he looked at his clock - 10 minutes!" he got up and rushed
I went to Taylors room.
He was changing but he didn't notice me
Mahogany must've woke him up.
I wrapped my arms around him while he was picking out his bandana.
He turned around to see if it was me.
"Hey babe."
His morning voice😍
"Goodnorning caniff."
He lifted me up and threw me on his bed gently, hovering over me.
" Why are you in here?" he said smirking
"Waking everyone up for Dallas."
"Oh " he smiled still hovering
He starting kissing me and went down to my neck.
"Tay no we have magcon in an hour we have to leave in 4 minutes"
He got off and soon we all got into cars
Me,shawn,taylor,nash,hayes and mahogany in one car
And the rest in the other.
Taylor was next to me holding my hand and Shawn was in the front being silent.
"You tired Shawn" Hayes said pocking him.
"Stop poking me and no"
"Then what's your problem? I thought we were friends." hayes looked sad
"We are I'm just
- he paused-
Nervous for magcon"
When we got to magcon we did all crazy things like taylor sang
And so did Shawn of course 💁
Soon we were answering questions
"Yes you" Nash said pointing a young girl like 12
"Um this question is kinda for #tamber.. Is it real? or are y'all just joking?" she said
"Yes it is we are dating.just one will get between us" taylor said glancing at Shawn.
I nudged him
"Yes we are," I said holding hands with taylor.
"Ok you in the red SnapBack." cameron said
It was Andrew
Taylors grip tightened.
"This is for amber.
Will you ever get back together with an ex of yours?"
Taylor was furious
"Sorry but right now I'm in a committed realationship and I don't think I need to be thinking about ex's or anybody while I'm in a realationship"
I said
Taylor got less tense.
Andrew sat down.
I really had a feeling Andrew was gonna get in the way..
~~~~~~~~after magcon ✋~~~~~~~~
"What was up with that guy in the snapback? such a wierd question"
Jack j said
" Ya he's my ex ."
"Oh wow." he said looking at taylor who was sleeping.
"Ya but he's in the past"
I said getting comfortable.
"Not really if he showed up at magcon just to ask that question." Nash said
I thought about that.
"I mean it's kind of wierd he came last night and he showed up at magcon and know about u and tay." Nash said
"Ya but he's my ex and I didn't want him to show up. I dumped him when him and Ashely were making out at the football game."
"Oh wow" Shawn said
"Shawn your talking! just joking" jack g. said.
"Ya but it wasn't planned I was planning to surprise him at his game.." I said
"Who would do that..especially to you" Shawn said softly
It got quiet till Nash broke it.
"Well I'll keep a close eye."
Lol he sounded like a dad.
"Thnx Nash."
~~~~~~~~~~3:45 am~~~~~~~~~
I was sleeping till I woke up to a FaceTime.
It was Andrew
I needed to talk to him and straighten things up like he needs to get his shit in one peice.
So I answerd
"Hey." he said
"Andrew. I don't need to talk to you you need to stop were done. that cermony thing at highschool was a goodbye to everything in the past now were grown and make smart choices.
Your not being smart. "
"I know but I love you!"
"But I love taylor and magcon and my new life!"
"When will you come back?"
"To visit?"
"Spring break but I know taylor Nash and cameron are coming so I wouldn't think we need to see eachother on the vacation"
"Why not?"
"Because you hurt me and I don't want things to get worse.!"
"Well it hurts me more cause I want to see you."
"Andrew I don't know I know being hurt sucks but I had my friends and magcon to help me heal from that pain"
"Idc but your all that can heal me.
Let's meet up even with those douc-your friends I need to talk to you- in person"
"Idk I'll think about it."
"Okay bye"
I hung up and went to bed
I hated him but I knew the pain hurts and if I can help him with the boys
then that will be good for both of us.
So I will be meeting Andrew with
Taylor,cameron and Nash.
Authors note
I'm gonna try to be doing authors thingy
So I love this idk if you do but like this 💁

Across the hall - a Taylor Caniff fanfiction
Novela JuvenilThis fanfic is about a 18 yr old girl named Amber who is apart of magcon and they all buy a house and some 'stuff' Happens when Taylor is right across the hall from her bedroom.