My Other Best Friend is Back~Chapter 6

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Ethan's Pov

"I won the fight yesterday!" I exclaimed, greeting my friends.

"That's good bro." Danny said, patting my back.

"You guys do know he came home looking like shit right?" Em asked, smirking.

"He did? Where was I?" Lola asked, a smirk of her own on her lips.

"I think you were in your room." Em said loudly.

"Man! Who else was their?" Lola asked.

"Maisey! When she was leaving Ethan was all like 'let me take you' and she was like 'really' and he was like 'yes lets go" Em mimicked me, making everybody laugh.

"Shut up." my cheeks turned slightly pink and I was scratching my neck.

"Aw! Your embarrassed! Lil E is blushing!" Em cooed, pinching my cheeks.

"Stop it! I'm not little, I'm huge okay!" I shouted, slapping away her hand.

"YO Ethan!" a familiar voice said. I turned around and their I saw my other best friend Nick walking towards us. He knows everything about me. He just came back from Hawaii. He was away since 8th grade.

"Nick bro." I said jogging up to him. I gave him a bro hug.

"How was Hawaii?" I asked.

"It was good. I rather be here chilling with you guys though."

"It hasn't been the same without you man."

"I know!" he smirked. When we got there Aaron, Paul and Danny gave him a bro hug.

"These are my sisters, Emile and Lola." I said gesturing to the both of them.

"Hey I'm Lola!"

"Hi." Em said, biting her lip. What's up with her.

"I remember Em, I never met Lola though." Nick said.

"I remember you too Nick." Em smiled.

"Hug?" he asked. Em walked over to him and they hugged then he lifted her over his shoulder.

"NICK! PUT ME DOWN!" Em laughed.

"Nah! I think this is hilarious!"


"Nah! Lets go get my schedule." Then they were gone. Hm I think they like each other. Nick still has to go through observations though.

Emile's Pov

I can't believe Nick is back! I missed him so much.

"So how was Hawaii?" I asked.

"Eh, it was okay. I missed here though. All of my family and friends live here so I decided to come back."

"Good, cause I missed you." I was still over his shoulder and people were giving me dirty looks so I flipped them off.

"I missed you too Em." he said. We got his schedule and he finally put me down.

"So what teachers do you have?" I asked.

"Check it out." he passed me the schedule. He has the first three classes with Ethan and I.

"We have the same first three classes. Ethan's in those classes too." I said.

"Well lets go." he said, putting his arm around my shoulder.

Lola's Pov

I started walking towards my first class. I know that I can't wait for music today. We're going to be singing today. I love singing! It's something I'm really good at.

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