You Fought Dirty~Chapter 19

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Emile's Pov

I've been at home getting ready for the fight that I can't wait to happen. I ended up taking a shower when I got home. I made sure to curl my hair after it dried into my natural waves. I put it up in a high pony tail. I put on eye liner and red lip stick.

For clothes, I put on dark skinny jeans, a black flowy tank top and black combat boots. I looked in the mirror and I couldn't see a trace of the girl I once used to be. Now I'm the new Emile. The Emile that still cares for her friends and family but can protect herself and isn't afraid to kick a few asses. I personally love this Emile Calebs.

I started doing my homework. Ugh. I have to do the whole page 5,6 and 7 in my math book, I have to read 4 chapters of this book we've been talking about in class and 2 other assignments in Social Studies and Science.

By the time I finished, Lola,Ethan and Maisey made it home. They all piled into my room and stared at me.

"You better kick her ass." Ethan demanded.

"I told you I am. Nobody talks about mom or dad like that." I said.

"She's lucky she's a girl." E muttered.

"Let me fight with you." Lola suddenly said.

"You can fight. Only when it gets rough and you think I can't handle it though." I said, looking her in the eye. She nodded and smirked. Oh Lola!


I stood in the alley way, waiting for Amanda. A lot of people are already here and waiting with me. I wasn't even nervous, even when Amanda and her girls started walking towards me from the other side of the alley.

I pushed myself off the wall and walked towards her with a deadly look in my eye. She only smirked at me. All her friends were wearing mini skirts, crop tops and high heels. I looked her right in the eye.

"Well isn't it the slut and her STD squad." I taunted.

"Well isn't it the mommy and daddy's girl." she taunted back.

"I'm not gonna lie. I am daddy's girl." I shrugged. "But the good part about being a daddy's girl is that my daddy taught me how to handle sluts like you." I smirked.

"You bitch!" she yelled before running towards me. I side stepped her and put my foot out. She tripped over and fell to the ground.

"Stop being so clumsy Amanda." I cooed. She got up and went straight for my face. I ducked and punched her in the stomach. She started gasping for air. At that time her minions started to attack me. They were only trying to slap me. They only hit me in the arms but I was punching them in the face. She only brought 3 girls with her.

Out of no where one of the girls I was fighting brought out a knife. Actually all of the girls brought out a knife.

"What the fuck? Is this Scream? You guys are fighting dirty." I said. I kicked a knife outta a blond's hands, making her cry on in pain. "But that's okay.

"Cause I'll still fight you guys." I said, with a scowl on my face. They got some good hits on my arm but other than that, I'm still kicking their skanky asses.

I punched Amanda in the face. I upper cutted her in the chin and kicked her leg when she was on the ground. Her little minions were trying to get up and they were moaning and groaning. Amanda got up stammering around like she was drunk outta of her mind.

"Lets do this." she slurred, trying to slap me. I punched her in the face again and she cut my arm. I was going to land a kick on one the minion's faces but  I heard the cops.

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