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Y/n's POV

You're standing in front of a big pile off food sacks for rabbits, there are a lot and you don't know which to buy. You're completely clueless about taking care of a bunny or a pet.

Well you did took care of a goldfish before but you accidentally flushed it when you were cleaning its tank. You didn't buy another pet since then and that is way different than taking care of a bunny.

You looked at your bunny, Jungkook, and sighed. You walk to the cashier to ask, "Excuse me, what's the best food brand for bunnies?"

She smiled and led you to the bunny sacks. She pointed this and that while explaining their benefits, you just chose the cheapest since you don't have that enough money.

You put the sack to the cart and so is your bunny who's chilling in his cage. He's probably relaxing.

You push the cart towards the cage section and saw many cages for big and small pets. You get a little house for Jungkook, some fences, and toys.

When you finished shopping, you went outside with the cart and wait for a taxi. You can't carry all these by yourself, and the weight of Jungkook's food... it's so heavy. You bought a big one so that you won't bother going here again for the month or less.

You groaned when there was no taxi coming around. You also need to get home for lunch, you don't have enough money to buy lunch because you'll need it for the taxi. Who knows that Jungkook's stuff is expensive.

Then an old lady came to you, smiling, "Hello, dear. I see that you have a lot of things there," she stated. You noticed Jungkook who was chilling is now backing up close to you. You wonder why he's like that but ignored it for the moment because there's an elder that's talking to you.

"Yes, I bought stuff for my new bunny," you said smiling and looked at Jungkook. You looked at her again with a smile.

"Oh, a new bunny. Well, dear, take care of that bunny, okay?" She said smiling and left. You raised your eyebrow as you look at her figure disappear.

"She's... weird," you said to yourself. Then you spot a taxi going your way, you waved your hand to make it stop and thankfully it did.

The driver helped you with Jungkook's food to put in the trunk. Then you went home.

When you reached home, you fixed Jungkook's mini house in the living room and the fence. You put his toys inside of it and stand up looking at your work with satisfaction.

You rest your hands on your waist, "That's looks good," you said and wiped your sweat from your forehead.

You put Jungkook's cage inside of it and opened his cage, "You can come out and look around your little playground," you said smiling and walked to the kitchen to prepare his food.

You got back and found him looking at his mini house, "So how's your mini house and playground, Jungkook," he looked at you and wandered around, "I'll take that as a 'yes'."

You smiled and put his food in his playground, "Eat, Jungkook. I'll be back."

Again, you went to the kitchen for your food. You just cooked ramen since it'll be too long to cook a proper meal. When you're done cooking, you went to the living room with a bowl and chopsticks in your hands. You sit down the sofa and turned on the tv, you watched 'Hwarang' where Taehyung acted in a drama for the first time.

You just ate your ramen and often laugh at SeoJun and HyungSik, and giggle when MinHo and JiHan bicker. You squeal when Taehyung comes on and you smile at his cuteness.

You sigh, hoping that the police will find them soon and hoping that they're safe.

When Taehyung acted cute, you can't help but cover your mouth and fangirl over him.

Though you didn't notice that Jungkook is staring at you while you watch 'Hwarang'.

Jungkook's POV

Jungkook is staring at the girl fangirling over his hyung. He tilted his bunny head as he stare at her, kind of creeped out and uncomfortable that his 'MASTER' is their fan.

Yes, MASTER. The past three days they were in a house somewhere, they just woke up there. It was the unknown old lady's house, they were turned into animals.

The animals they picked became them—a part of them. They're now a hybrid. They wanted to go back to their normal lives but they can't... they sometimes turn to human or their animal form.

They can't become an animal while performing in front of people or else they'll be experiments.

They can turn to human whenever they like but being an animal can't and it takes time when they can be human. Their time as a human is limited for a day. So they need to use it wisely.

The only way they can turn back to normal is find the old lady's son, which is missing. If they find him and bring him to her they'll be normal, and the girl.

The girl will help him because he can't find that old lady's son with his condition. So she's his master because she's his chance to become normal again.

He just ate his food, not minding the girl anymore, and went to his little house. He sigh and lay down as tears fall from his eyes. Oh, how much he misses his normal self and his hyungs.

He wondered if they're okay somewhere, if they'll see each other again, if their master is kind like his, if they've been fed. He misses them so much.

He glances at the girl who fell asleep on the sofa. He'll have to stay with her in a matter of time and when everything's finish... everything will be normal.

Y/n's POV

You felt like someone is staring at you and you felt uncomfortable by that. You guessed that it's your creepy bunny. You sat up, your eyes still closed, and turned off the tv when you reached the remote.

You slowly open your eyes and blink for a few times only to find at pair of eyes looking at you. Your guess was right, a pair of cut bunny eyes is looking at you.

"Good morning," you said jokingly as you smile and stretch your arms up and to the sides.

That night you just felt those eyes looking at you.

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