Hello, looking at your eyes, is like looking at a clear blue sky. A perfect escape for my soul to get lost in those eyes, perhaps my words seem too flirtatious for your liking but I cannot help it, I might be sinning for taking more than 2 looks at you but boy for once sinning seemed right to me, Yet I apologize for this inappropriate behavior of mine, it isn't decent to check you out. Have a good day wherever you are and may Allah be by your side all along the way, yours truly! Cheers.Thank you for this message, I took my time reading it. I'm just happy to share your positive vibes! :)
Toni Mahfud Q&A; Official
Saggistica» To here I answer the most common ask questions to me on my social media, breaking rumors and unraveling some facts you should know about me. ^^ « » Why should I concentrate on one thing in life, if I have the chance to do more? My name is Toni Ma...