Chapter Eleven

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 A few days after that, Roland got a text from Freya while he was working, asking if he had a chance to talk right now. He texted her back that he was working, but he promised he'd call her as soon as his shift was over.

 He happened to notice Cami, whom he hadn't seen in days, sitting with Klaus Mikaelson, and they looked like they were having a very intense conversation. He didn't hear any of it, but when Cami got up to leave and walked past the bar, he said, "Hi, Cami. Long time, no see."

 She turned towards the bar and smiled when he saw him. "I guess so. So, I heard you're a witch. Kind of missed that when we were hiring you."

 "And I heard you're a vampire these days. How are you doing?"

 "As good as I can be, I guess," she answered. "You know, I've dealt with it, and I'm okay with it now. But I've got to get going, so I'll see you later."

 After she left, Klaus soon left himself, which made Roland wonder if Freya was right about something going on between those two.

 Not long after that, a man walked in and came up to the bar and asked, "What are you serving today?"

 "Depends on what you're looking for," Roland answered.

 "Hmm. I'll just take a glass of scotch. Been trying to get acquainted with this city."

 "You new here?" Roland asked as he poured a glass.

 "Just blew in. Name's Cortez."

 "Well, here you are then, Cortez. I'm Roland. I remember what it was like to be new here. I think you'll be able to get on all right." 

 "Hmm. You seem to think so," said Cortez. "You know, you don't seem bad, Roland. Which I'm almost sorry to do this." Cortez leaned closer, and said, staring deep into Roland's eyes, "You're not going to do anything. The only thing you're going to do is stand here cleaning glasses. You're going to be oblivious to every other thing that happens here today."


 Roland couldn't remember anything that happened that day at Rousseau's. The next thing he remembered was suddenly being at the Mikaelson compound.

 "Well, keep moving," Klaus was saying to him. "That compulsion must have worn off by now?"

 "Compulsion?" Roland repeated, helplessly confused. "Why am I here with you? I should be working."

 "Your shift's over for today. Come on. I'm sure my sister is worried about you."

 "Oh, thank God." Freya rushed down the stairs and threw her arms around Roland. "You're okay. Do you remember anything?"

 "Wh-no. No, I don't. I-I was working. This man came in. His name was Cortez. I was talking to him, and that's all I remember. Then I was here."

 "Cortez compelled everyone at the bar," said Klaus. "You don't have to worry about him now. He's been taken care of. Freya, why don't you make sure there's nothing wrong with him?"

 "Of course." Freya took Roland's hand. "Come on."

 She led him to a dining room and told him to sit down. She came back soon after with two hot cups of tea.

 "Here." She set one of the cups down in front of him. "Are you sure you're okay?"

 "Yeah, I think so," Roland answered. "I'm just...confused, I guess. I don't actually remember anything. What was that guy Cortez doing? Why did he compel me?"

 "Well, Klaus hasn't elaborated yet, but he was up to no good. I think Klaus might have a right to be so paranoid. My brother has a lot of enemies, and now that the sire bond is broken, his sires can come kill him and nothing will happen to them. Klaus is going to have to be extra careful."

 "Right. So, to move on from that insanity, you had wanted to talk about something. What was it?"

 She sighed. "I completely forgot, and I don't even know how you can forget something like that. My brother Kol is back from the dead." 

 "Back from the dead?" Roland repeated slowly.

 "Yeah. A witch we know named Davina Claire resurrected him. Apparently, they're very in love with each other, and Davina brought him back so they could be together."

 " don't think that's weird? At all?"

 "Roland, in this family, everything is weird. Sadly, that's the way things are. So, you're sure you're okay?"

 "Yeah. I think I'd better go home, get some rest."

 "Will you be all right by yourself?"

 "Yeah, of course. I'm an adult, and a witch. I'll lock all the doors and windows tonight, just in case. See you, Freya. Thanks for the tea. And tell Klaus I said thanks for bringing me here."

 Freya nodded. "Sure. See you soon."

 Roland did lock the door and the windows before going to bed, but in his dreams all he kept hearing was the words Cortez had said to compel him over and over again.

Ways of Grieving | Freya MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now