13. 💀

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Hahaha you little fuckers. Yes I kissed her, shit I would've done it a long ass time ago but I just thought that moment was perfect. Y'all should've saw her face, it was priceless. I'm currently sitting in my room, well on the balcony just chillin and listening to music. I don't know exactly how long I've been out here but I came out here when princess went to sleep. I honestly don't care how much trouble I will be in if Cicatraz finds out, he's in love with someone too so he can't tell me how to control my feelings.
"Cometa? What are you doing out here?" I turned and saw Estrella standing in the glass door.
"I'm just chillin, why?" I asked.
"Your girlfriend is looking for you," she said. I got up and walked back into the house. I checked her room but she wasn't in there so I went down stairs to the main floor. I walked to the living room and she was sitting on the couch on her laptop. I walked over and pick up her legs and out them on my lap. Then I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and pulled her closer.
"Cometa we could get in trouble," she said.
"Shh, Cicatraz isn't home and no one is a snitch here. We are fine. What are you looking up?" I asked.
"Knives, I really wanna order one. And I need knew clothes, I'm tired of wearing these white ass girly was clothes," she said. I chuckled and watched her select a pack of black and blue knives.

"You know, if you carry those around and get caught you could go to jail," I told her

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"You know, if you carry those around and get caught you could go to jail," I told her. She just shrugged her shoulders and pages through PayPal .
"They will be here in two days. Yayyyy," she squealed.
I smiled at her and she closed her laptop and pulled out her phone.
"Who are you texting?" I asked.
"Cicatraz," she said. I leaned over and read the conversation.

L= La Reina C=Cicatraz

L: i have a question
C: Yes?
L: can I go shopping today? i need to get out of this house for a while.
C: You can not go alone and I don't think any of the gang will go with you.
C: But if you find someone who is willing to go with you then yes go. But be back before 6

She looked over at me with puppy dog eyes and said please for what felt like forever.
"Oh my God fine just don't ever say please like that again," I said while grabbing her lips. She pulled away and smiled at me.

L: alright thank you so much. cometa is goin to take me
C: Be safe
L: we will💞

She sprang up and grabbed my hand and basically dragged me to the elevator. She wouldn't stop smiling and ran into her room the change. When she finally walked out she was in a baggy shirt that said "Bored" on it, black shorts, and black vans. An he tied her hair up in a bun with a headband.
"Ready?" She asked me. I nodded my head and held my hand out for her to take. She took it nervously but just went with it and we walked to the elevator. We got to the main door and I threw on my shoes that were in the closet. She put her phone in her pocket and tied one of her shoes again.
"We will be back," she yelled into the house. We hopped into my car and backed out the drive way.

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