We Have A Job. Really.

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Chapter 7: We Have A Job. Really.


11:18 PM

Luke and I exit my house, exchanging words here and there. I wanted to go into a few shops as we passed them, but Luke had to just stop me from doing that. But I almost, almost got him to buy me ice cream.

We reach the cafe after twenty minutes worth of walking. Luke and I 'got to know each other' along the way, exchanging silly facts between one another.

"So.. Your favourite colour is blue?" I ask, questioning Luke once again. "But blue is so standard!"

"Well so is red. It's so, 'bam I'm all up in your face!'" Luke says, trying to sound hipster. It doesn't work, and I end up laughing at him.

"Luke? Don't." I giggle, him shaking his head. The laughing emoji is literally stuck smack on my face right now.

"Whatever. From your reaction, we just all know that I'm cuter. Just to keep it real here." Luke jokes, praising himself. I roll my eyes.

"Who is all? All as in your stuffed toy collection? Yeah I'm pretty sure they think you're cute when you're asleep snoring as loud as a dinosaur." I say, proud of my comeback. Luke just looks at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Really? You think I have a stuffed toy collection? Well maybe I do. They're way cuter than you." Luke scoffs. I have to say, that kind of hurt. Kind of. So I hide my hurt feelings and just take a deep breath.

"Oh. Thanks Luke." I pat his shoulder, pretending to give up. And then I come back. "But I think you may have mixed up the ketchup with the mustard, because you know that I'm not cute. I'm awesome. And you can't deny it."

"It's ok Jessie. You know you don't need to lie to me, right? Because you suck at it anyway." Luke says, smirking. I have no chance to say anything back, because Luke has pulled open the door to the cafe and now we have to work. How fun.

If my eyes could shoot lasers, they would be burning holes through Luke's back.

"Luke! Jessie! In here!" I try to look over Luke's shoulder, which is impossible, considering the fact that he's so tall. So I walk next to him, to see an employee motioning for us it come over.

"So we go?" Luke asks, looking down on me. I hate it when people do that. I'm so short..

"Duh what do you think?" I say, lightly shoving Luke forward. He stumbles. Clumsy ass.

We walk over to a teenage boy who looks about our age. He's shorter than Luke, that's something that I notice first. But he's still taller than me. He's wearing a name tag that reads 'Finn'.

"Hi! I'm Finn, manager of this shop." Finn says, in a British accent. Hehe, he's cute.

"Hey, I'm Jessie, and this is Luke." I smile, stretching my hand out for him to shake. But he hugs me instead. I hug him back, smiling. I take a glance at Luke, and he doesn't have his usual shy smile. His facial expression didn't really show anything ーit was blank.

When Finn and I pull apart, he complements me.

"Hey, you're really pretty. I like your eyes." Finn smiles, making me blush. I pretty much just forget about Luke's presence.

"Oh, haha, thanks. I like your hair." I giggle, Finn thanking me. We begin to chat a little, getting off task. Finn says a few jokes, me laughing at them. After the laughter, I see Finn has looked behind himself. Luke, well, he looks as if he's jealous, angry even. Why though?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2014 ⏰

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