5 Years Later

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In 5 years, (Y/N) was finally ready to send Yoongi the book that he promised. He left a note in the back of it and sent it off. Yoongi now had a four year old to take care of, causing his idol life to slow down a bit.He ended up having a girl, and she was named Min Ji-Soo. (Y/N) was at a decently healthy weight, on the skinnier side, but he danced a lot so that is to be expected. 

When (Y/N) sent the book, he had a feeling of peace inside of him. It seems like ever since he left, he had a feeling of emptiness that could now be filled once again. 

Yoongi P.O.V.

I got the mail and it had... a book. "(Y/N)?" I mumbled to myself. I opened it to the bookmarked place and it had a note.

'I finally found the courage to send this to you. I'm healthy now, I have two jobs and a house of my own. Ever since I left there just seems to be a void that nothing but you can fill. I miss you. More than I thought I would. I never thought I would be at peace until I sent this, now that I have, I feel content, but also a longing to see you again. I've texted once, and I understand that I was drunk, I still apologize for that. I hope you can send this back and not hate me. 

                                                                                                                                   Love, (Y/F/N)'

I teared up. I quickly wrote my message and sent it back. He lives in Busan. I might be able to go see him if he allows me to. ...

*2 weeks later* (Y/N) P.O.V.

I got the book sent back to me. Yoongi left a nice note, and he moved to a house. He has a child.... I remember us wanting a child, to have a family. He wants to come visit me, I'd rather go to him. At least talk to him again. I decided to call him. In no time the call was picked up. "(Y/N)?"


"Oh my god it really is you. How are you?" His voice was shaky, like he was about to cry.

"I'm good, better to know that I'm ready to talk with you again." I couldn't stop smiling.

"So, do I have a second chance?" His voice was laced with hope. 

"Let's go on a... date first, Hyung. How about the park next to BigHit in 2 hours?" I smiled, thinking of how adorable his daughter must be. 

He chuckled. "Will do, I'll bring Ji-Soo, she'd love to meet you."

"Okay Hyung, I'll see you soon." 

"See you soon, (Y/N)-ssi."

My heart fluttered as they call hung up. Maybe things will go right this time. I still have some fighting hope left in me that this will finally work out the way that we had originally planned. I miss him and love him so much... I'm gonna wear his sweater and see if he remembers that it's his. 

I spent my time fixing a bit of makeup on my face, picking a good outfit and packing the backpack I normally have with me. I'm nervous to see him. Would if something goes wrong and his daughter doesn't like me, or if we break up again and she gets close to me? (Y/N)- Stop. It'll be okay. You're going to finally be a happy person and have people in your life. Your blood family won't accept you, but Yoongi will. And hopefully Ji-Soo as well.

°•°∆LOVE∆°•° {Min Yoongi x Male! Reader} Book 3Where stories live. Discover now