Meeting Again

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Yoongi P.O.V.

I was waiting at the park with Ji-Soo, of course I would get here early, I live closer and I come here everyday anyways. I was watching Ji-Soo swing until my phone went off, (Y/N) said he was at the skate park. I went and got Ji-Soo, holding her, knowing that she would want to run off to the 'pretty boards' if I didn't. Skating, I saw (Y/N). He got a few tattoos and a lip piercing. He was wearing worn down converse, my sweater from years ago and ripped skinny jeans, the front of the sweater tucked in to the pants. I cleared my throat and he stopped what he was doing. I ran up to me, sitting his skateboard down and hugged me. "Hyung..."

"Jagiya..." I let Ji-Soo down and held her hand while I embraced (Y/N) in my other arm. I didn't realize we were both crying until I felt my shirt being soaked. He pulled away and he smiled. I caressed his cheek and rested our foreheads together. "I missed you so much.." 

"I missed you too, Hyung." It was perfect then my daughter spoke up. 

"Daddy, who is he?" She looked up curiously at us. 

I picked her up in my free arm and let her look at (Y/N). "This is Daddy's good friend."

She reached for him so I handed her to him. He happily took her and played with her small hands. "I'm Ji-Soo! What's your name?"

(Y/N) chuckled. "It's (Y/N)."

She looked at him. "I'm gonna call you (N/N)."

He smiled as he bounced her in his arms. "Okay."

I let him hold her as we walked over to a bench, him making sure to pick up his rough looking skateboard.  He sat it down next to the backpack he has carried since we met. He sat Ji-Soo down and looked at me. "Wanna go to the coffee shop? We can catch up there."

I nodded and picked up Ji-Soo. (Y/N) began to ride the skateboard, leading the way. He's changed so much. It's hot, and I like it. It fits him. I followed his lead to the coffee shop. I let Ji-Soo play games on my phone so she could be distracted in some way. 

We sat down after getting our drinks and I just stared at the beauty of a man in front of me. He spoke up. "So, how'd you end up with a kid?"

"Well, after you left, I had a one night stand, only to be called later saying that I'm a dad. She really didn't want a kid, so the mom gets her every Sunday and every other Saturday. I have her nearly full time. I wouldn't change it for the world though. She helped me through losing you."

He nodded and looked me in the eyes like he had before I went off the deep end so many years ago. "Y'know, when we first split, I hated myself for leaving, but I think we both realize now that it truly was for the best."

"It was. whether it was easy or not." I pat Ji-Soo's head. 

"She's adorable, Hyung. She's just like you." (Y/N) smiled and I noticed how much he really took care of himself. He has more muscle than ever, the pigment in his skin came back. He looks a lot better than when we had split. 

"Aish, she got most of my looks. She only has her mom's eyes. A strange mix of grey and brown."

"So, since it's Friday, how long does she get her this weekend?" e looked at her with loving eyes, the eyes of a dad. 

"All weekend." I cringed at the thought of the fit she'll have in the morning knowing she'll have to go to her mom's.

I looked at the time and it was 7pm. "We should get going, it's late for her. She is only 4 after all." 

(Y/N) nodded. He then looked at me with the shy look I know and love so well. "Could I stay with you tonight, Hyung? To..get to know you and her better?"

I nodded. He smiled and grabbed his stuff. He walked this time, not knowing where he was going. I led the way with my sleepy daughter in my arms. He just smiled at the sight of us. We soon arrived to the house and i allowed (Y/N) to stay downstairs as I took Ji-Soo up stairs to put her to bed. 

I soon came back down to (Y/N). I went up to him and hugged him. "I missed you so much..."

He hugged me back. "I missed you too. And in case you're wondering, you have another chance. I'm ready to be yours again. And I miss hanging out with you and the boys."

I rolled my eyes and he just giggled. We were now looking into each other's eyes, faces getting closer and closer. We closed the gap and the familiar essence of his lips and scent hit me like a brick wall. I missed this. Our lips moved perfectly together. He tugged at my hoodie, well, his old hoodie. I allowed my hands to wander under his shirt until he pulled away. He pecked my lips one last time and smiled, now flustered at the situation we were in. "Jagiya, we should head up to my room."

He nodded and followed me to my room. It was right next to Ji-Soo's in case she ever needed anything in the middle of the night.We sat down on my bed, cuddling. Just talking, catching up. I was proud to hear that he no longer had flashbacks and could live a normal life. Once it hit 11pm he started to yawn. "Tired?"

He sleepily nodded and allowed me to get up to get some night wear for the both of us. I grabbed a T-Shirt and some boxers for both of us and threw one of the shirt and boxers at him. Obviously not caring and knowing that I'd seen him naked before he just changed in the middle of the room, me doing the same. We just left our clothes on the floor and climbed into my bed. He kissed my cheek and snuggled into my chest. "I love you, Hyung."

"I love you too. I'm going to warn you, she is not happy in the mornings when she knows she has to go to her mom's house, so be prepared for a crying toddler." I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Will do. I volunteer to help with a local preschool on certain days so I think I'll be able to handle it. As long as you allow me to help the situation." He shyly looked away from me. 

I cupped his cheeks and kissed him. "Help in whatever ways you can, though, I'm used to doing it alone, so I might get a bit frustrated."

"That's okay. But, if I may ask, why doesn't she like to see her mom?"

"Her mom is busy, she doesn't give her much attention. Her grandmother looks after her more than her actual mom does." My eyes began to feel heavy as I spoke.

(Y/N) just nodded and snuggled closer to me. "Goodnight, Hyung."

"Goodnight, Jagiya."

°•°∆LOVE∆°•° {Min Yoongi x Male! Reader} Book 3Where stories live. Discover now