Shane's POV: What The Hell Caluv?

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So I walked into my room as soon as I came home, like I do everyday after school, and I find Caluv doing a hand stand in the middle of the floor. 

"What the hell Caluv?"  He got down from his hand stand gracefully and gave me a goofy smile.

"Oh come on Shane, you know your floor is safer than mine when it comes to acrobatics/gymnastics!  I just was aching to do a hand stand, so I took advantage of you being a few minutes late.  But if you want me to leave, I will leave.  Simple as that."  He frowned just a bit. 

I sighed, "Caluv, you don't have to leave, just next time you need to text me or something saying that you will be in my room.  You jumped me.  I had no idea that you would be in here."  He giggled.  Wait... he actually giggled?  I haven't heard that in a while... hmm I think someone is probably a little high.  "Caluv?"

"Yeah Shane?"

I lifted my hand up and put three fingers up, my pinkie, index finger, and my ring finger.  "How many fingers and I holding up?"

"Shane, that's easy.  1 and a half." 

"I knew it, you're high."  He ran over to me and gave me a big hug.

"You know I love you little bro, right?" he said lovingly.  I sighed, stretched up and kissed his cheek.  Okay, let me explain.  I'm only 5'3" and Caluv is 5'10", so he's 7 inches taller than me.  That means I have to stretch to reach his cheek, cause I sure as heck cannot kiss the top of his head.

"Caluv, do you mind going to your room?  I have to do something.  And don't forget to put eye drops in and take a shower.  If Pa and Daddy found out that you got high again, they'd kill you.  Alright?"  I kissed his cheek again before he left my room.

Daddy should be coming home soon with Billy.  I hope he had a good day at work and is in a good mood, so that if he figures out that Caluv is high, he might cut him some slack and not tell Pa when he gets home.

"Hey Shane?"  It's Rodrick.  I bet he wants to borrow $20 again.

"Can I borrow $20 again?  Please?  As soon as I get my pay check I'll cash it and give you $100."  I could hear the desperate tone in his voice.

 I sighed.  "Fine.  But what the hell do you need it for?"  He stopped at my door way and shyly smiled and blushed.

"I'm getting diapers..."

"For what?!?!"

"My girlfriend's mom.  She just had a baby girl, and I'm buying the diapers for her.  They don't have a lot of money for 7 kids and a mom that works 3 different jobs.  So I thought I could help them a bit..." 

"Aw, Roddy, why didn't you just say so to begin with?  Of course you can.  But on one condition, you have them bring that baby over here so I can see her."

His face brightened with a great big smile, "Alright!  How about Saturday?"

"Works for me." And with that he went prancing off.  What a goofy, but generous kid.  He's gonna go far in life.  He sure as heck proves it, with his straight A grades and all.

"Oh my god, Chase, the fuck is wrong with you?!?" It was Carlos, my twin, probably just yelling at his boyfriend's stupidity, like usual.  "You can't do that now!  We have to go to your place."  Uh oh, Daddy should be home with Billy anytime, and I think I know what Chase is trying to do.

"Chase and Carlos!  You guys can come in my room.  It's sound proof, no one can hear you on the outside if the door is shut.  Just please cover the bed with that towel quilt Catie made!"  I yelled to them.  I knew Chase wasn't gonna take no for an answer.  Chase came up the stairs with Carlos in his arms, bridal style. 

"Hey twin, you sure about this?  I mean, we could always go to Chase's..."

"But today is Pa's birthday.  Pa comes home at 6, and it's 2:40 right now.  So you have like 3 hours to do what ever before we have to get everything ready."  Carlos nodded and Chase shut the door.

Just as I was about to head down the stairs, Caluv came running to me and kissed me.

I pushed him away, "What the hell Caluv?  How many joints did you smoke?"  He held up both hands with all of his fingers up.  I face palmed, and shook my head.  I knew he had smoked some pot, but I didn't know that he had smoked that much.  "Looks like you took a shower.  Now let me check your eyes."  I held his head and looked into his eyes.  Looks like he actually put the eye drops in.  "So what do you want to do?"

"Hmm, I think we should go down stairs and get the party stuff ready for Pa." 

"We should wait for Billy.  He loves getting to decorate."

"Fine.  Then lets just go and play hide and seek.  We haven't played that game in ages."  Before I could object Caluv was running off getting ready to hide.  "Count to 20!"  He shouted from wherever he was hiding.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10."  I sighed, but I really have to do this though.  This was Caluv's and my favorite game when we were younger.  "11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.  Ready or not here I come!"  I ran down the stairs and I heard a giggle.  I bet he's hiding in the closet under the stairs, that was his favorite place to hide.  "Hmm, I wonder where Caluv could be."  Then I threw the closet door open and Caluv  jumped out onto me and I screamed.  "Geesh Caluv, a bit energetic aren't we?" He nodded.

"So now we should go sit on the couch and snuggle, like we did when we were younger."  I think someone misses hanging out with me.  I mean, it should be the other way around for I am the younger of the two of us.  But you know what, as soon as I turned 13, we stopped hanging out.  I was to engaged in my own school activities and parties that my friends threw to pay attention to my older brother. 

"Hey Caluv?"


"I love you, and if you ever want to hang out, just say so!"

"Okay."  And with that he grabbed me and pulled me down onto the couch with him.


AN:  I realize that this is a short chapter, I just get impatient with myself and want to post the chapter as soon as possible... anyways,  I hope that you are all having a wonderful day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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