Chapter 17

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Bearheart paced the camp. It was nearly sunhigh and Brackenflame wasn't back. The Moonclan warriors would be lining up on the border, and she wasn't going to be there.

"I am now Brackenstar!" Brackenstar yowled from the gorse tunnel.

"Thank Starclan he's back." Bearheart muttered.

"Brackenstar! Brackenstar!" The clan chanted his new name.

The tom leapt up onto The Shadow Stone, muscles rippling beneath his pelt.

"I, Brackenstar, vow to bring this clan to a greater level than it is at, making us rise above all others! I will push our clan to achieve the glory we know is possible! We will be the greatest clan!" Brackenstar yowled.

The clan roared in excitement below.

The red tom bounced down the large rock, and Bearheart raced up to him.

"Brackenstar, come to the border with me. It's urgent." She spoke quickly, her tone of voice reflecting the sense of urgency that was needed.

"One moment." He responded, eyes clouded with worry.

"My deputy will be Dustberry. Quailpaw, you are now the deputy's apprentice."

The clan yowled their appreciation of the subtle joke.

"What was it that you needed?" Brackenstar turned to her.

"To the border. We have to go."

The leader nodded, then raced toward the gorse tunnel.

"I'll only be gone a little while. Dustberry, you're in charge."

Bearheart tore out of the camp, relishing the wind whistling through her fur.

It was not long before they reached the border.

Brackenstar immediately began to bristle, lips drawn back in snarl.

"What is this?" He growled, turning to Bearheart.

"I asked my warriors the same question. They simply said just wait." Streamstar emerged from the line of warriors, coolly glancing around.

"I believe Bearheart and Riverscar have something to share." Badgerheart's eyes were glinting maliciously.

Bearheart gulped, then stepped forward. "My kits are not Pineclaw's. They never were, and never will be. They are Riverscar's. I am not afraid of that."

Brackenstar's eyes flamed with anger and distrust, but he managed a low growl. "Streamstar, Riverscar, Bearheart. I'd like for you all to come back to my camp."

The Moonclan cats turned around, heading back to their camp. Only Streamstar and Riverscar stayed.

The quartet of cats ran to the Thornclan camp, not taking their time.

They cut across Daisynose and Ryepaw's path, making them hiss in annoyance.

As the group pranced into camp, growls began to thunder around the clearing.

"Calm down! For now, these two Moonclan warriors are welcome. Please, treat them with civility. The reason they are here is of improper speculation." Brackenstar beckoned for Streamstar to come into the leader's den.

Quailpaw, Dustberry, Hopepaw, Liontail, Cloudpaw, Tawnystep, Hazelpaw and Stormfall all shot suspicious looks at Riverscar, who looked at his paws. 

"It's okay." Bearheart assured him. "It is just a clan being protective. Yours does the same thing." She nudged him. He nudged her back, a little harder than she had nudged him.

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