New Family

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Heroes of Olympus series.

    "I'll be going now," the girl with curly hair clutched her stomach, looking sick to the bone with the ship's tossing and turning.
After she ran down the hall, I stood in the doorway, looking curiously at the boy and girl, Jason and Piper.
Piper was really pretty, though she tried to hide it. She sat on a chair by the bed that Jason was lying on, holding his hand.
"Well, that's a first," Piper looked at me, her kaleidoscope eyes sparkling with curiously. "Annabeth using endearments and physical contact."
Jason laughed and Piper helped him sit up, cautiously brushing his forehead, but avoiding a newly formed bruise. She gently shoved him so there was more room on the bed and beckoned me towards her. I traveled towards her on shaky legs and tripped into Jason's arms. I squealed happily as I was lifted into the air by Jason's arms and plopped down next to him on the bed.
"So," Piper smiled at me, making her even more pretty. "What's your name, honey?" She paused, then blanched. "Gods, I sound like Drew. Ugh."
Jason smiled softly at Piper, adoration sparkling in his eyes.
"Y/n." I said quietly.
"Do you know your parents?" Piper smiled at me reassuringly, encouraging me to continue.
"No..." I ducked my head, trying to hide the tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
"Oh, tsunadadatlugi," Piper whispered, wrapping me in a hug. "We'll be your family."
    "Tsunadadatlugi," I repeated with trouble. "That's Cherokee for...?"
    "You're smart," Jason noted, wrapping one arm around me and another around Piper.
    "Sweetheart," Piper snuggled into Jason's chest. "My Grandpa Tom used to call me that."
    I yelped when the boat shifted once again violently, throwing me into Piper. Piper stuck her arms in front of Jason and me. A sweet, but useless gesture. On the next shift, I fell forward toward the door, out of Piper's arms and into the arms of a boy who looked like he had way too much caffeine.
    "Whoa, pequeña llama, steady there," his eyes glinting with warmth before he shifted his gaze to Piper and Jason. "Be in the Mess Hall in an hour."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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