Chapter 3-A slight change in plan

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Finally added an actual title! This part is completely based off of a scene made by Sans_Shipper, I'm basically gonna be copying this off of the story for a paragraph or two, well kinda. It's only really what they summon and part of the description of Fresh and how the class is run, so idk. So here's a link to see the rest and to see a true artist's work cause I'm trash, :P


Fresh POV

Alphys sniffled and wiped her eyes. She looked into my eyes, smiling, and I smiled back. "Thanks Fresh." She wiped her nose, I just shook my head. I still felt guilty for making her yell at her crush. 

The bell rung for lunch to be over, I just smiled at Alphys. "You ready to go?" I asked as I wiped away the tears still left on her face. She smiled and followed me into the class. We entered the class and were met with a relatively short skeleton teacher.

He smiled at us and motioned with his hand, "If you know magic go to the right, if not go to the left." We immediately went to the left. Slowly the class filed in, most jocks knew magic, including PJ and Undyne. Class began. "I'm gonna test you all to see either how much magic you have, or if you can summon it easily. Basically your magical aptitude." The skeleton said, he snapped his fingers all of a sudden when he said, "Oh right, I'm Mr.Sans, just call me Sans." He began to call out names. "PJ." The jock smirked and came to the center of the room. He summoned bones that kinda melted, a blaster, and a paintbrush with blue strings all over it. Sans said nothing, and I realized he was checking how long we could hold our magic. Welp, I'm screwed. I can barely hold a spark of magic for a second.


I looked at the teacher, wondering why he didn't stop me. Is he checking for time? I closed my eyes and focused on it all. My bones slowly faded out of existence, along with my blaster. I just focused on my paint brush, it faded after a minute or two. I felt my knees start to wobble as I opened my eyes. The teacher didn't seem too impressed, I frowned for a second and walked back to the line. Everybody else seemed either scared or impressed, except for the nerd. He watched me with a passive expression, then he looked through the window, staring off into the void. What was his problem?

Fresh POV

I just watch PJ with a passive expression, that wasn't the most impressive thing that I've seen from a teen. But he was still kinda powerful, he saw me staring at him so I just looked out the window. I just waited as names were called, "Alphys!" The shout jolted out of my trance. I smiled at her as she went up to the 'podium'. Her magic tried to focus on something, what I had no clue. Suddenly a small green wrench appeared in her hand. She gasped in surprise, but that was enough to make it pop out of existence. She smiled so big and went back to her spot in line, Sans smiled at her excitement of first ever summoning magic. "Fresh." I let out a breath and stood up in front of Sans. I closed my eyes and focused on my magic. I opened my mind's eye and looked around a familiar place. There were five doors like normal, but a new one was there. The doors were the different sources of magic I had. I walked up to the new door, it was like the light that showed off of the glass. Soft rainbows danced across the wood. I grabbed the doorknob and tried to enter, it was locked. Suddenly a water droplet tapped my shoulder, I turned around to see four figures. The other doors were gone, replaced by them. A soft light began to rise from under their feet, revealing their faces. I gasped in surprise, I knew every one of them. The first two were my childhood friends who had been killed and who I absorbed. The other two were the controllers of life and death, Gia and a shadow of Hades.

The Gia stepped forward, her voice as clear as a flute, "Do you truly wish to open that door?" 

I cocked my head and asked softly, "What is beyond it?" 

She smiled as my friends came up and said simultaneously, "All of our powers combined." I looked back at the door, the power. "

Not even we know what will happen." The Hades' shadow said in a low voice. 

They all said at the same time, "What is its purpose to you?" 

I turned back to the door and grabbed the handle as I said, "To protect those who I care for and care for me." I was blasted out of my mind space as the power flooded me. I opened my eyes to see the classroom for a second, then the world blacked out.

Sans POV

The kid came forward and closed his eyes. I heard snickers and murmurs as the kid didn't do anything. But I sensed something strange, he was talking with someone. Suddenly he opened his eyes, they glowed with built up magic. Magenta surrounded his eyes, pushing off his glasses. I looked at his head, seeing various strange things. There was the symbol for Hades on his head, and instead of the normal dot in the middle there was a strange symbol. On either side of the whole symbol there were two hearts, one green, the other was yellow. But his eye was what freaked me out more, his eye initially was just looking like a normal soul, but now it had cracks webbing through. I had no more time to think about that as I dodged a wooden table flying for my head. It broke in two from the force, the magic sent a tremor throughout the entire school. Kids flew against the walls as my favorite mug shattered. All at once it stopped as the kid blacked out. I checked around for injuries, finding only minor scrapes and bruises. I went to check on the kid who caused it, he only had a few scratches on him too. He was bleeding, from a wound on his elbow. He wasn't gonna dust anytime soon, but I still needed to get him to the nurse's office. I pointed to a random kid, "Get him to the nurse's office." I was too shaken by what happened and what I saw to do anything.


I groaned softly as I stood up from being knocked down by the magical shock wave. Sans had pointed to me to get the nerd to the nurse's office. I took him bridal style, he groaned softly at being moved. Heh, cute... Wait for just a second, CUTE?! I mentally slapped myself as I took him to the nurse's office. My face heated up as I looked back down at Fresh, my Fresh. WTF?! I had half the mind to drop Fresh just to slap myself physically. I just sighed, then I finally noticed how light Fresh was. Did this shorty even eat? I continued down the hall while carrying Fresh, this has surely been an odd first day.

Word count: 1253
Yass! Btw idk if that counts as copyright, if so I'll delete it. But anyway, hope you enjoy, and actual fluff may happen soon, idk anymore. And I'm way too tired, cranking out almost three chapters in about 3-4 hours and completing the last part at bout 10:30 is too much for this cat. Though I may still do one more before I sleep. Anyways, this loving cool cat's gone!

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