Chapter Three

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Ron's POV

At lunch I sat down and started to eat. Hermione walked in and grabbed a seat nearby. 

"Hermione, can we go somewhere we can talk?" I asked her. 

Hermione replied "No if you have something to say then say it now."

"Hermione please." I begged.

"I am listening so if you want to talk then I suggest you start now."

"I am sorry Hermione. Lavender came onto me."

"Don't try and make excuses. Either way I don't really care. You hurt me and this isn't the first time. I have had enough."

"Hermione please just give me another chance."

"Ron I have give you too many chances already. It is over for good." 

Hermione got up and walked out of the hall, taking her bag with her. I signed, and glanced back at my food. 

Hermione's POV

I left the Great Hall, leaving Ron sitting there after his poor attempt at trying to win me back. If we wanted me back then he was going to have try harder.

I went back to the common room. I had a few free periods before I any classes and I wanted to get ahead. I placed all my things out on the small table and duplicated the table as I know we would be needing both of them. Draco walked in.

"Hey Hermione."

"Hi Draco."

"What are you doing?"

"Getting ahead on my work."

"Ok. I was going to do the same. Wait I swear we only had one table?"

"We did but I duplicated it because I thought you would need one."

"Oh. Thanks."

"No problem."

Draco sat down next to me and spread out all of his things and started to work. We both spend half of the afternoon, working away. Only moving to get books from the shelves. I glanced at the clock and saw I had 10 minutes until my next class. I waved my wand and everything went into a nice pile and onto the bookcase. I grabbed the textbooks I needed and placed them into my bag. 

"Draco. We have class in 10 minutes."

"Oh. What class?"


"Ok, wait for me, I just need to get my books and some new parchment from my trunk."

"Ok, sure but you need to hurry. I don't want to be late."

Draco quickly ran to his dormitory. He came out and put everything into his bag, put it over his shoulder and joined me by the exit.

"Ladies first."

I chuckled, "Thank you."

We both started to walk to Charms, when Draco tripped down the stairs. I burst out laughing and had to grip onto the staircase. He looked up at me his face red with embarrassment. 

"That wasn't funny."

"Yes it was." 

"Lets go to Charms before we are late."

Draco picked up his bag and we continued to walk to Charms. I giggled as we went on our way. 

We got to class a few minutes late.

"Malfoy, Granger may I ask why you are late?"

"Draco had a slight accident on the way here." I answered. McGonagall nodded and we took our seats at the front.

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