Chapter Seven

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-Author's Note-

All characters belong to JK Rowling. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Updates might get less as times go on as I start school next Wednesday and I am going into Year 11 so I am going to be studying and revising for GCSEs a lot. I will try but they might not be as often as they are now because I need a few weeks to get into the swing of things. 

-End of Author's Note-

Hermione ran towards the bookstore, and started buying loads of muggle books, smiling to herself as she did. Afterwards Hermione and Ginny met up with Draco and Harry. The four of them walked back to Hogwarts. Ron had seen them strolling through Hogsmeade together, he felt jealous that his friends were happy with each other. 

Later that afternoon, Hermione was sitting outside on a bench with a book in her hand. Ginny was with Luna. Draco had Quidditch practice and Harry was finishing off some of his homework. 

Ron was walking outside alone, his hands in his pockets. As he walked through the grounds he saw Hermione sitting on a bench along. She was reading a book like always. He smiled at the sight of her and remembered all the times he had seen her done that. 

He walked over and sat next to her. 

"Hermione." He said. 

She turned and saw Ron sitting next to her. "Ron" She replied rather coldly.

"I'm here to apologise for what I did to Draco. I can see your happy together and yes I am jealous, but that is only because I care for you."

"Ron, you punched him in the face early in the morning."

"I know. I was angry, I kept thinking of you and him together."

"Well it is something you are going to have to get used to. He treats me better than you ever did. When your mother finds out what happened she is going to be furious at you."

"I know she is. I feel terrible when I realise I heard you. Please forgive me."

Hermione glanced over and saw the look of sorrow in his eyes. Closing her book and turning her full attention to him, she replied  "I accept your apologise but that doesn't mean I am going to forget what you did to him."

"Thank you. Let us try and be friends again. Harry has been blanking me because of what happened."

"You do deserve it Ron. You did hurt somebody for no reason." 

Both of them sat there watching the snowflakes drifting through the sky again. They had made amends of the unfortunate events that had occured but things were never going to be how they used to be. 

A while later Hermione walked away and went back to her common.

-A few days later-

Hermione, Draco, Harry, Ginny and Ron stood on the steps of Hogwarts watching everybody leaving. They hugged their friends as they got in the carriages to go to the station to get the train back to London. They stood their and waved as all the students left. Leaving them and the teachers standing on the steps watching everybody leave. 

Walking back inside together, the strolled towards Draco and Hermione's common room, sitting around they started talking and Ron easily slipped into the group of friends. As the day pasted they started to make plans for tomorrow. The Weasleys were coming in the morning joining them for lunch and staying the evening. 

Soon the agreements were settled and they would meet in the Gryffindor common room and exchange their presents then. 

Hermione and Draco curled up on the sofa and started swapping Christmas tales, with each other. It soon became dark and there was a knocking sound on the door. Walking over and opening the door to see a young Teddy Lupin standing there with footsteps following him.

He grinned up at Hermione and had some flowers. She picked him up and waited until she saw Harry coming around the corner followed by Lupin. Both chuckled when they say Hermione holding him, and Teddy talking to her and Hermione talking back. 

"Can I stay with Hermy?" Teddy asked.

Lupin looked at Hermione and raised his eyebrows as if asking if it was alright.

Hermione nodded and brought Teddy into the warmth of the common room. Draco looked up and saw the blue haired boy in Hermione's arms. 

Sitting down with him, Hermione started to chat and play with him. Draco sat there looking uncomfortable until. Teddy clambered onto his lap and started playing with his hair while asking hundred and one questions. Hermione started laughing at the look of shock and terror on Draco's face as he did this but he soon relaxed and started talking to him. 

Soon Teddy fell asleep. Hermione picked him and placed him in her bed and got in with him. He curled up against her and she soon fell asleep holding Teddy in his arms. Draco stood in the doorway of her room and looked at Teddy curled up in her arms. He started to think and imagined a small child with blonde hair or brown hair in her arms in a bed they shared and a house of their own. 

He couldn't shake the feeling he had found the one person, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Signing as he realised the truth and thinking about the challenges ahead, mostly thinking of spending the day with the Weasleys only hoping they would accept although they had been nothing but kind to him straight after the battle but that was before he started dating Hermione who they saw as their daughter and sister. 

-Author's Note-

I am aware Teddy is meant to be younger but for the purposes of this fan fiction, I wanted to make him slightly older. Also Lupin and Tonks aren't dead. I can't do that. I love them too much for them to be dead and in my head they will forever be alive bringing up Teddy. 

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