Chapter Four

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-Author's Note-

All characters belong to JK Rowling. Hope you enjoy remember to vote and comment :')
Hope you have a good weekend everybody :)
-End of Author's Note-

Hermione's POV

I woke up the next morning, with Draco's arms grabbed around me. I whispered his name gently and he began to stir. He opened his eyes and yawned.

"Why are you in my bed?" I asked him politely.

"You had a nightmare."


"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No. Stop asking me if I do." I snapped at him. I jumped out of bed and pulled on my uniform before stomping out of the common room. I entered the Great Hall with all the early starters and began to start eating breakfast. Shortly after Draco entered. He walked over and sat down next to me. 

"Hermione. I understand it is nothing to be afraid off."

"I know Draco but doesn't mean it doesn't frighten me."

"I am here for you, if you ever need anything ever Hermione."

We both sat there in silence as we ate our breakfast. More and more people began to come into the Great Hall, most ignored Draco sitting at the Gryffindor table but some gave him random glances. Soon Harry and Ron walked in along with Ginny and Luna. I beckoned Luna over to the table. 

They all sat down with us. Ron glared at Draco and spoke "What are you doing here?" Before Draco could speak because I butted in, "Because I said he could. We are all friends here."

Ron ignored me and ate. Draco conversed with Harry and Neville. While I spoke to Luna and Ginny.

Afterwards I went to my classes leaving Draco behind with Harry.

Draco's POV

Hermione left the Great Hall and I sat there with Harry discussing Quidditch. Despite the past events we managed to get along because of Hermione

"She had a nightmare last night."

"No wonder she is a snappy mood." Harry replied.

"Has she ever told you about it?"

"I only know it is to do with Bellatrix, and that entire evening. Apart from that then she will not say anything else."

"Oh god. I wish I could change the events of that evening."

Draco's face fell realising how much that must have hurt her. The images began to reply over and over in his mind.


Hermione's arms were tied to the floor. Bellatrix was leaning over her carefully craving MUDBLOOD into the side of her arm. She lay there with tears rolling down her face. Her voice hoarse from screaming as she croaked "Please, please, stop." Over and over again.

The knife ran all over her body, making more and more cuts as her blood flowed onto the floor. Draco, Fenir, Lucis and Narcissa stood around as Hermione lay limply on the floor, blooding surrounding her, slowly taking up more and more of the floor.

Hermione continued to beg as Bellatrix carried on. Suddenly stopping and walking away. Exiting the room, before coming back with a wand.

Putting the wand at Hermione, Bellatrix screamed "Cruico." Hermione slumped into the floor and began thrashing and screaming. Her eyes tightly shut, tears rolling down her face as she screamed louder and louder until you could only hear her voice feeling the room.

Draco glanced at his feet unable to watch. He looked up and slowly uttered "Stop!"

Bellatrix looked at Draco and whispered "Why?"

He replied "She would have confessed something by now if there was anything."

Bellatrix walked away and cursed her again. She thrushed and screamed even more until he couldn't bare to watch. He left the room unable to get out the images of her out of his head.

*End of flashback*

Draco snapped out of his daydream. Grabbing his bag, he ran out of the Great Hall and chased after Hermione. She entered the common room. I enter shortly after and put my hand on Hermione's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry. I wish I could have changed the events of the past. I should have helped you Hermione but I didn't I was a coward. "

She turned around and looked me in the eye. Tears began rolling down her cheeks, she sat down and sobbed. 

I pulled her into my chest and left her to rest her hand there, I didn't say anything just let her cry. She soon began to speak.

"Draco. I cannot shake the images and memories of that night out of my head. No matter what I try sleeping draughts, dreamless sleep potion none of it works. I haven't had a good nights sleep since that night. "

"Hermione. I will not let anyone hurt you no matter what. I will protect you no matter the consequences because..."

I shuffled in my seat and couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence.

"Because what Draco."

"It doesn't matter now. As long as your alright."

"Should we go to class?"

I shook my head. "No there is no point now. We have missed our first two classes. We can explain to McGonagall later on. Why don't we sneak to Hogsmeade and have a picinc"

"Are you sure?"

"It will be fine. We can just say you didn't feel well and I looked after you."

-Third Person's POV-

Draco clicked his finger and a house elf appeared. He kindly asked for a picinc and a blanket. The house elf came back with the food.

Taking Hermione's hand. He pulled her out of the common room and guided her through the halls.

They left Hogwarts and went to a meadow field by Hogwart. It was still warm even though it was September.

Draco laid out the blanket and emptyed the basket.


He poured her a drink and patted the space next to him. She walked over and sat next to him. They made small conversation.

"Do you want anything to eat Hermione?" Draco politely asked.

"Sure what is in the basket?" Hermione questioned.

"Some sandwiches, strawberries and a chocolate cake."

"Ohh. We should start with the sandwiches." She replied.

They quietly ate there sandwichs. Draco took Hermione's hand in his and looked her in the eye. His heart melted at the look of happiness in Hermione's chocolate brown eyes. 

"Hermione I have something to tell you." Draco said.

"Draco. I also have something to tell you. " Hermione said at the same time. Both laughed relieving the tension that was being to fill the air. 

They sat there some just holding hands watching the clouds in the sky. 

"Hermione." Draco whispered softly.

"Over the past couple of weeks. I have slowly but surely began to see a side of you. I never thought I would see. You are strong and determind. I don't know how to say this Hermione. But I think I'm in love with you."

"Draco" Hermione whispered. She pulled Draco closer and gently placed her lips against. His arms pulled her closer. He felt Hermione's tears running down her face and he gently wiped them away. 

They both pulled apart and sat there looking at each other. Laying down on the grass. Hermione rested her head on Draco's chest. They both watched the clouds and started there all afternoon. Laying on the grass, talking to each other, laughing and joking together. 

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