Chapter 2

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Cynthia Flowers P.O.V.

I felt myself being shaken awake, and when I opened my eyes Lewis was kneeling over me with a concerned look in his eyes. When he saw me open my eyes he sighed and sat back. I looked around and saw Hazel shaking Mabel, and slapping her a couple times. Behind her I could see the others were already awake, I could see Amelia rubbing her cheeks. Clint was nowhere to be seen.

"Good your awake." Lewis said wiping his forehead, I sat up. "What happened? Where are we?" I asked looking around. "And where's Clint?"

Amelia mumbled a curse. "Who knows, when we got blasted away I saw him go in a different direction, not even sure he still alive." Lewis said folding his arms.

"Oh he's alive alright." Mabel said sitting up, Hazel scrambled back in surprise. "Really, how do you know." Lewis challenged. "Because if were alive then I'm sure he is."

"Hey guy's you got to see this." Ross called over from a nearby hill top. We went to join him and saw below us was a small city at the base of a nearby mountain range. It wasn't like any city I had ever seen, it looked like something out of a fantasy movie.

 It wasn't like any city I had ever seen, it looked like something out of a fantasy movie

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"Never seen a city like that." Amelia commented. Terran backed inhaling deeply going into a panic attack. 

"Oh boy not now. What do we do?" Lewis asked, Terran pulled out the packets of tea he always carried around with him and pointed at the scattered wood and branches from the trees.

"Fire we need fire." Mabel said, Amelia rushed to action gathering up fire wood while Ross collected a couple rocks to light the fire. Once the fire was going and the tea was brewed Terran calmed down and we discussed the plan.

"We need to go to the city maybe they will be able to help us." Mabel suggested, Terran shook his head. "No I am not going there, it just feels wrong to me. You can go but I'm staying." 

"I have an idea." I said in a small voice, the others looked at me and I pulled my diary closer. "How about four of us go and the rest of us stay. Me, Amelia, Ross, and Lewis. We can look into it and see if anyone will help.

"Not a bad idea." Hazel said rubbing Terran's back. The other nodded and within the hour we were heading to the strange city.

At the gate there was a guard dressed in steel armor and he carried a spear. When he saw us he looked at us if we were dressed strange. "Who are you and what is your business?" He demanded.

Amelia stepped forwards. "We're just looking for help." The guard narrowed his eyes. "We don't want trouble."

"Yes well enter if you wish but cause not trouble, we don't any in the City of Celebration." He said moving aside.

"Wonder why he was looking at is like that." Ross wondered aloud. "You'd think we just wandered out of the desert have naked the way he was looking at us."

"Your right, and did you see the way he was dressed, he looked like someone from that renascence fair Clint dragged me too once." I said looking back at the guard.

"Who are you people." A voice asked us. I nearly jumped out of my shoes, Amelia and Lewis jerked around for the source and Ross raised his eyes.

"Who said that?" Lewis demanded, looking around. "Me of course." The voice answered but I still couldn't see the source. "Up here." It called. I looked up and I saw a girl hanging from a roof by her legs, arms hanging loose and with a curious look on her face.

"What are you doing up there?" Ross asked starring up. the girl shrugged. "Hanging around. You look weird."

"We look weird?" Amelia raised an eye. "Last I check were not the ones hanging upside down by our feet."

"Yeah but at least I dress normal. Where'd you even get those clothes, never seen them before." She commented, swing back and forth gently.

"Um, I have a feeling you wouldn't believe me if I told you." Amelia said fingering her shirt.

"Um excuse me but what's your name and can you come down?" I asked. The girl blinked, leaned back, then forth flipping into the air landing on her feet in front of me.

"I'm Aquarius and welcome to the City of Celebrations." Aquarius said holding out her hand.                 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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