Driver's Test (Peter Parker)

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-Y/N's stressed out POV-

I've been studying and working hard for my driver's test. I had passed the written test but I still had to ride with the test administrator. Great. I was an okay driver but I don't think I had the guts to do it yet. So now here I sit waiting to my fate of failing. My mum left to get some groceries and said she'd be back before I finished.

I looked up to see a lady and a guy my age getting checked in. I think I recognize him from school. They sat a few seats to my right and waited like me. We were the only customers there because usually Monday's aren't too crowded. And I thought I might be the only one at this time of day.

We waited and waited it seemed like forever. The lady with the boy went up and headed to the bathroom. I glanced at the boy only to see him staring. He snapped his head the other direction. It was for sure I could not cure my nerves. "Do-do you want to study with me?" I asked holding up a small book with the rules and notes written in.

He simply nodded and gave a small smile. He got up and sat next to me. "Okay," I started. We went back and forth testing each other and slowly our nerves settled for the moment. Going over each topic was good for both of us because our nervousness had clouded our minds. The lady that came in with Peter, I found out his name, had been watching us and smiling.

After what seemed like thirty more minutes a man bursted through the door and a kid my age came in with his head down. "You don't come back here until you know the difference between the gas and the break," He panted out of breath. Peter and I exchanged glances with the same worried face. The kid scrambled off and the man went to the desk.

"I've seen you in my classes at Midtown," I said to Peter. "Yeah I kinda recognized you too," he smiled. "We should get together and study more, you're a good study-buddy," I laughed lightly. "Yeah, okay," He said pulling out his phone. I pulled mine out and we exchanged numbers.

"Y/N," the guy shouted looking around the room. " I'm," I started. "Y/N," he yelled again. I stood up "I'm he-here!" I waved my hands. The only people in the room was Peter and his aunt, the guy and me. "Okay little lady lets see what you've got. I'm Mr. Darian," He said leading me outside. "I'm administering your driving test." We got in and I started the car.

10 and 2 I said in my mind. That's the time frame Peter wakes up in. I thought. We had connected all these things to remember everything. After a few commands I was getting more comfortable. "Stop at this light and turn left," he said eyes on the road. "I turned my blinker on and pulled up a little about the line. I could hear Peter telling me the line was for an invisible race. Not too far or you'll be disqualified. A few more minutes and we pulled back up to the place we started.

"Your turns are sharp and your parallel parking needs work but everything else is looking good," he said still talking up my score. I fiddled with my fingers and he seemed to notice. "Don't be nervous you already have a passing score and I'm not even done grading." I smiled and breathed a sigh full of relief. "You passed," he concluded. "Thank you so much," I said and we walked back into the building. We went to the desk and he told me I'd have to wait a week for my license to come in the mail. I nodded and then wished Peter good luck.

He stood up and we had a short hug. My mum and May looked at us kinda awkward so it was a short hug. I wished it could have lasted longer but Peter had to take the test and it was kinda awkward.

That day I didn't get any texts from Peter which made me kinda upset but he is a boy so I brushed it off.

Next morning I saw Peter in the hallway and approached him. "Hey!" He greeted me first. I whispered a "hi" and greeted him with a hug that didn't last long either because of Peter's friend Ned. "I passed!" He said pulling back. "That's awesome!" I said. "Great, now you guys can drive me places," Ned said putting a hand on both of our backs. We laughed about it and I realized I found some good friends. Especially in Peter.


This shitty stuff is only getting shittier so sorry about that.. :( I've been low on ideas but maybe some will come up. I should write more with the twins too. But guys check this out! WTF! Thank you!

 But guys check this out! WTF! Thank you!

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