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As I walked out of the airport I immediately saw Lucas! Gosh my brother got a lot bigger now. I dropped my bags and quickly ran to him; we both hugged each other until someone shouted my brother’s name.

“Luke! Is that Lily?” he shouted. I pulled away from Luke and searched for the guy who shouted Luke’s name. Nigs, I saw Nigs walking towards us. I ran towards Nigs and jumped into his arms.

“I missed you so much Lilycup!” he said close to my ear. I smiled at his words and pulled back.

“I missed you too Nigs” I smiled and picked up my bag. Luke got my other luggage and Nigs got the one I was holding.  Luke walked faster than us so he got to the parking first, while Nigs and I were talking about how my flight was how cute the couple next to me was. He also told me that he will be staying here for good, which means that he will be my neighbor again!

When we reached the car, Luke was looking at us with his arms crossed, narrowed eyebrows. He looks like mom when she was waiting outside the door for me when I arrived home late.

“you two are 3 minutes late, turtles are even faster than the both of you!” He said looking at the both of us. Nigs just laughed at him so I slap his arm and gave him ‘the look’

“Oh uhm sorry, we were just having a good time that we forgot about the time” Nigs replied and I nodded. “Yup!”

“Whatever let us just go home, everyone is waiting for you Ly” Luke said getting in the car. Nigs opened the door for me and I got in the back seat while Nigs sat on the passenger’s seat.


“WELCOME HOME!” Everyone shouted as I entered the house. Aww is this a little family reunion? Mom is here of course, my twins Lea and Leo their only 11 years old, Granma and Grandpa. Nig’s parents are also here, Aunt Nichole and Uncle Miguel. My favorite cousin Marie, even my best friends are here! Hazel and Chris.

I’m so happy, I missed home I missed them so much. Mom quickly ran to me and hugged me, I hugged her back and everyone joined us even Luke and Nigs.

I feel so loved I never thought that anyone would plan something like this, not even once. I must be dreaming, well is this is a dream, do me a favor yeah? Whatever happens do not wake me up.

“Thank you so much mom, I was not expecting this” I said smiling but she shook her head “don’t thank me, I wasn’t the one who organized this” she added.

I raised an eyebrow. What does she mean? Then who would do this then, it cannot be Luke because I know how busy he is, now that he has just opened his bike shop. Not josh; he’s busy with his college applications because he’s applying for a scholarship like I did, plus I know that he’s having a hard time especially now that he has a new baby sister. I know that it is the best thing in the world but not to him, he’s only her half-brother.  

“Who will I thank then?” I said and looked around, I saw that everyone kept quiet after my question, Marie is beside me and Nigs is on my other side. I looked back at mom and she didn’t say anything. I can hear Hazel and Chris laughing quietly. “Me” the guy with deep husky voice said.


“Hey girl!” hazel said; poking me.  I giggled and turned to her “Zelly!” I said and poked her back.

“Ey Nigs, may I borrow your precious Lilycup for a while?” she said laughing. Nigs laughed “yeah sure! Just promise to give her back” he replied and looked at me. I smiled at him and he walked away.

Hazel poked me again “hey hey, don’t forget that you still have your Joshy baby” she said as we walked out to the pool.  

“yeah I know that, there’s nothing going on between me and Nigs” I defended, it’s true there really is nothing going on between the both of us, we are just friends with past, and as they say ‘past is past’. I have completely moved on with him, I am technically married to my one and only love.

We both sat down on the grass and my golden retriever dog named boo run towards me. Gosh how I missed boo, Luke used to call us Lilyboo. Speaking of Luke, he, Chris and Nigs are playing at the pool. Boo licked my cheeks while I was ‘drooling over Nigs’ according to Hazel. I am not drooling over a guy who has curly wet hair, who’s only wearing his shorts and is walking towards me smiling.

“Lilycup! Come join us, swim with us!” a guy with green eyes and bright red lips whose face is almost close to mine. I blinked a couple of times when I realized I have returned to my dearest planet earth again.

“huh? Uh what did you say?” I said scratching the back of my head but he only laughed at me. I heard the guys and hazel laugh.

Note to self: never ever and I mean ever! Day dream in front of anyone again!

Nigs grabbed my hand and he ran, I shrugged and just followed him.

*Nigs’ POV*

Chris punched me playfully on the arm “so what’s the plan?” I chuckled and looked at Lily.

“I’m going to get her. One way or another” I replied “you’re in this with me right?” I looked at Chris, he nodded.

“I never liked that John guy.” He said. I rolled my eyes “it’s Josh, smart pants. I thought you’re friends with her? Why don’t you know his name” I asked

“I am but I don’t listen to it, I have this bad feeling that john-I mean Josh is a bad guy”

“oh really?”


“You’re in this with me right? Whatever happens?” I glared at him and he nodded “of course”

“I want you to be extra friendly with her, listen to their girl talks and tell me anything you know and in exchange for that maybe I could hook you up with my cousin Triz. Deal?” I said, offering my hand at him.

He grinned and shook my hand “deal!”

Lily Alder, get ready to fall back in love with Nigs Armstrong

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