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*Lily's POV*

I quickly turned my laptop on and logged into Skype. It's Friday night at Josh's time zone, so that means he's not busy. It has been awhile since the last time we said hello to each other. I remembered the last time i had a conversation with him, it was like 2 days ago. We talked about his baby sister and i told him about the surprise Nigs planned for me. But he did not seem so happy about it.

"Hey Chocopie" Josh said with his perfect smile.

"Joshy baby!" i said, waving at the camera.

"How are you pie? Have you talked to your dad? Did you already tell your mom about our plans?" he asked.

I smiled "wow babe you seem very concerned, aren't you busy? Well anyways I'm pretty good and uh no... Can we not talk about Mr. Alder? Sorry.. Oh yeah i forgot babe, i haven't talk to mom about it... I'm sorry i was busy hanging out with Nigs, Chris and Hazel" i said looking down

"Wait what? You're busy hanging out with Nigs? Why do you always go out with him. All i hear is Nigs there, Nigs here, Nigs and i ate lunch, Nigs and i watched a movie" he shouted.

What's wrong with him? Does he not trust me? What's the problem if i hang out with Nigs? It's not like something bad will happen. He's just a friend to me.

"You don't have to worry about anything Josh, you have trust in me right?" i tilted my head, looking at him. He sighed and nodded

"I'm sorry pie, i guess i was over reacting. I do trust you, with all my heart. Promise" he added; raising his right hand up.

I smiled slightly "it's alright; i just want you to trust me please? You're the one i love, we already planned our future remember?"

About our future, I have to tell my mom what Josh and I had planned, we are going to visit his parents in California. Then we are going to work as models for my friend Juliet. Juliet is a photographer, she works for this fashion magazine -which unfortunately, I forgot. The company has been inviting us since we were juniors and now that we have finally graduated, we decided that it is the right time. Juliet told us that if we become models, we could travel, have amazing clothes and be famous. All we have to do is pose and have pleasing personality.

And if we ever get tired of modeling, he will be joining his dad's company and I will be with my mom's restaurant, But that is if we get tired. Ever since I was 5 I enjoyed modeling, I joined modeling contests and workshops, I stopped when I got too busy with my school organizations and extra credits.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I sorry if I ruined your day, Anyways, how is my chocopie?" he said, flashing his again, perfect smile.

As much as I want to be, or at least pretend that I'm mad at him I can't, there's just something about him that turns my bad mood to happy mood, and I thank him a lot for that.

"I'm better now; Luke has been teaching me how to ride a bike! We can finally ride a bike together!" I said smiling widely. I showed him pictures of me riding a bike and videos of me and Luke.

"Really? That's good news pie!" He chuckled.

*Josh's POV*

"Chris will be coming later! We will have our Saturday night movie marathon!" She answered when I asked her what will she be doing tonight. It's Friday night at my time, and Saturday morning at hers.

"Tonight will be horror night, we will be watching Carrie, sinister, the insidious 1 & 2, and many more." She added. Since when did she love watching horror movies?

I remember the last time we watched a horror movie together.

- Flash Back -

"Surprise" I said uncovering her eyes. She looked around the living room of our apartment. There are blankets and pillows on the sofa, bowls of chips and popcorns, a tub of her favorite cookie dough ice cream, and of course who could forget her favorite thing the world; besides me, Chocolates. I got her different bars and flavors of chocolates. She looked at me smiling and hugged me.

"Are you trying to make me fat?" she said giggling. "You're the best" she added and kissed my cheeks. I picked her up and walked towards the couch; I sat down and placed her on my lap.

"Here, I have a list of movies we could watch" I said as I gave her the list. She picked The grudge , The ring , and zombieland.

"Hey Joshy? I'm just going to change, I'm so tired after arranging all the decors for prom" she said.

"I know that babe that's why I wanted to surprise you by organizing a movie cuddle night for the two of us" I replied.

"And I am grateful for that" she smiled and walked into our room. I placed the movie on and waited for her.

"Babe?" she shouted from the room.

"Yeah?" I yelled back.

"I can't find anything good to wear, and uhmm.. uh"

This is the part where in she will say she does not have anything to wear, even though she has tons, just so that she could borrow my shirt.

"Yes Choco, you can borrow my shirt" I said. As long as she's happy, I'm happy.

When I was her walking towards me with my captain America shirt and her pjs. She looks so perfect with her hair in a messy bun, damn she looks great I'm my shirt. She even looks better without make-up, I always tell her that but she always say that she's just scared of what people will think of her.

I love it when we have our alone time, we usually spend our time at school either with friends or with our activities. We only have our time for each other when it's Saturday. Yes, you can tell that Saturday is my favorite day. Although we do NOT do anything bad, because I promised her parents that I will wait, I promised her that I will wait until the day we get married, because I respect her.

I wrapped an arm around her and held her hands. We both cuddled while watching, every time something scary comes up she uses my hands to cover her eyes, or she will turn away from the screen and look at me. Well what can I say? I look freakin amazing, well actually I look better than the zombies at least haha.

The second movie was the grudge, I have already watched the movie, so I kept spoiling her. It's either she'll poke my sides or she'll squeeze my cheeks. And on the third, she fell asleep, she looks so adorable while sleeping. I can say that I'm very fortunate that I have a very wonderful and amazing girl that will be with me until the end of time.

-end of flashback-

"Babe you have to sleep now, it's already midnight" she wined.

"I can manage pie, I would rather stay up all night just to talk to you than sleep and dream about you" I replied

"But you need sleep, sleep is a necessity josh" she said emphasizing my name.

"Fine, I will sleep because you want me to leave" I pout

She sighed and tried to smile "Josh you know I love you and I want you to be safe and sound. I want you to be in a good condition, I know that you're alone and no one is there to take care of you. I worry about you everytime, I worry about how you are and how you will be. So please baby? Will you sleep for me?"

I can't help but smile with what she has just said. It's true that I'm alone now, and lily is not here to take care of me. I don't want her to worry, she already has a lot of problems and I don't want to add up.

"Alright Chocopie, goodnight or should I say good morning! I love you and take care" I replied waving at her. She just smiled and blew a kiss.

I was the one who ended our video call. I badly miss lily, I just wish she knows what I really feel without her. I often eat and sleep, i don't know what my problem is but I really need her.

It has been a week since she's gone and I'm already nuts! What else more if we're not together anymore?


It can't happen, I won't let it happen! No matter what it takes you will forever be mine Lily Anne Alder - soon to be Campbell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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